21. the lady in my life

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"Ana bahibbak ('I love you'),"

The depth of Isis' voice slithered gently into his ear canals, exploring his darkness with the palms of her hands. Warm yet cold to the touch, her fingertips roamed his chest till her movements halted at his black boxer briefs—running them around the rim and applying her gaze to another set of dark eyes. She knew he desired more from the irregularity of his breaths—lost in thought, both individuals intertwined within each other's majestic pull, drawing their bodies energetically close.

He understood her love language, removing her touch and slightly pushing her onto her back, climbing on top. With both hands accompanied by the sides of her head, he studied Isis' shocked expression and suddenly bore a smirk—leaning down to rub his nose against his lover and staring endlessly into her soul. Zion couldn't look away, not even for a second. Her outer beauty didn't compare to the inside—something magnificently followed her wherever she went, and he hadn't understood why upon meeting her that night.

'Where do you end, and where do I begin?'

It ended with him and began with her. Isis revived the passion dying in the pit of his sensuality, mindlessly connecting the dots and exhaling a silent devotion. Somehow, he melted into her, sheltered from the outside world.

(I liked writing this piece. I was going for something sensual yet sentimental. And, as usual, I never finish writing my projects. But I will soon, hopefully!)

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