Meet Chandler Neverson

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What's up? My name is Chandler Aldon Neverson. I'm twenty- four-years-old and I have a daughter named Mica Lisa Neverson. She is a one-year-old and she's the sweetest little thing you could ever meet.

She acts exactly like me in every way. Her mother; now that's another story. Ever since she had the baby, she's been acting weird. She hasn't been home lately. Like I know that she works but come on, what does a interior designer have to be at work 24/7 all damn day?

She is barely home with her daughter and when she is, she doesn't let her touch her or hardly kiss her. Like I don't know what to do with her anymore. I've loved this girl since we were thirteen-years-old but, she's changed since I had became a professional basketball player. It's like she's all about the money, and not her damn man and child,

"So, it's fucking eleven at night and you just now decided to stroll yo' ass into the house?" I said to her, as I put Mica to bed.

"Don't start this okay? I had clients." She told me while taking off her jacket. Yeah, some clients,

"Man, you can't even be at home with your baby!" I yelled.

"I'm not in the mood for this. I'm tired." She said rolling her eyes,

"Your always fucking tired man!" I said. "What about me? I can't be fùcking tired! Take yo' ass to sleep. I'm tired of this and yo' damn mouth." I said going down stairs to my den. I just didn't want to deal with her ass tonight.

"Really Chandler?!" She shouted down the staircase.

"Don't wake up my damn baby!" I said to her as I went to the den and shut the door.

The next morning, I woke up to my baby crying. I didn't even remember falling asleep. I went up the steps and checked my room. Of course, she wasn't there. So, I went into my baby girl's room and she was just up crying. I checked her diaper and she was wet, like she didn't even bother to change her own baby.

"C'mere baby girl. Stop crying." Her bottom lip was quivering as she was still crying. I wiped her tears and laid her down to change her. After I was done, she was fighting the air and trying to eat her fingers. I was about to feed her when my mom called.

I answered, "Hey ma'." I said to her.

"Hey baby. How are you and my grand-baby??" She said through the phone.

"We're good. So, who are we choosing for this nanny thing?" I asked her, while feeding my baby girl.

"I think we should go with... hmmm, oh that young, nice, pretty girl Thalia.." I said remembering her. She was beautiful, and seemed so smart. I said as I walked to the kitchen with Mica in my arms.

"Yeah, I like her. I think she should be the nanny. – What you think Mica?" She smiled, still sucking on the bottle that I pulled out of the fridge.

"And you know I never liked that damn Tanya girl." She said to me. I sighed quietly. I haven't told my mom that Tanya hasn't been around lately. But I guess she already knew that.

"I know ma, I know... So, can you call the girl and tell her that she got the job? I'm going to be really busy today." I asked her.

"Yeah, I can do it son. Give my baby a kiss for me. I'll talk to you later." She hung up and I proceeded to take care of my baby.

"You wanna hang with ya' pops today? Huh Mica?" She giggled and I kissed her, she was done eating so I burped her.

I got her dressed. We were just going to hang out today, since I don't have practice or anything. I was just going to chill with my baby girl. We were just sitting on the couch, watching cartoons like the usual. She was pulling on my goatee and putting her little feet in my face.

About a hour later, her little butt fell asleep on me. I just stared down at her for a moment. "I love you, Mica." I said kissing her cheek. She just shifted and fought the air, making little baby noises. Just when I was staring at my beautiful daughter, someone knocked on the door. I picked up Mica and cradled her, trying not to wake her.

I opened the door. It was that beautiful woman. l couldn't remember her name, but I remembered her face.

"Hello. Your mom called me and told me that I got the nanny job." She said to me.

"Oh yeah. It's.. uh.. Thalia right? Thanks for coming, I just put her to sleep, so I can show you around the house. You can take a seat here." I told her pointing to the dining area. She sat there as I went up the stairs with Mica and put her in her bed. When I placed her, she laid there, spread out and sleeping so peacefully. I closed her door quietly and went back to the new nanny.

"Hi, my name is Chandler but, you can call me, Chan." I said shaking her hand.

"Names Thalia, as you know. You have a very nice home." I nodded.

"So, shall I show you around?" I asked. She nodded and she followed me.

"Okay, this is the dining area slash kitchen. Here is the big living room connecting to the porch."

"Wow. Y'all have a big pool... Very nice." I nodded.

"And upstairs is my baby's room, me and my wife's room, and three guest bedrooms, which one of them will be for when you spend the night." She nodded.

"Downstairs is my den, the game room, the movie theater, and our wine cellar."

"How many bathrooms do you have?" She asked while looking around in awh,

"Five.." She nodded.

"You have a nice and big home. I'm glad to be working with you." I smiled and nodded.

"Well, you'll be working tomorrow because–" my phone buzzed and it was my coach, "Well, I have practice and my wife will be at work-" just when I said that Tanya walked in.

"Hey, babe... This is our new nanny, Thalia." I told her.

"Our new what? When did we agree to this?!" She said with attitude. And I didn't have time for it,

"We been talking about this. We're hardly ever at home and my mom can't keep taking care of our daughter and watching over her all the time, especially when she has a job to keep as well." She looked Thalia up and down with nothing but hatred. Why I don't know?

"Mhm..." I just shook my head. She didn't even bother getting to know the woman that will taking care of her baby girl. She just went upstairs, changed, and left again without another word. Something is up with her and I will find out, sooner or later.

"Sorry about that." I said to Thalia.

"Oh, it's no problem. I guess on that note, I'll get going.." I nodded.

"Tomorrow. Eight a.m. Sharp." She nodded with a smile and the  left. I sat on the couch and called up my brother Alex to see if he wanted to come over before I had to go to practice,

"Sup bruh?" He said through the phone.

"Sup, you tryna' come over and chill with a nigga? For a while," I asked.

"Yeah mane. I'll be over there in five..."

"Alright bro.. See ya' bro..." I said we both hung up and I turned on ESPN. I decided to watch down sports before I had to go and do my own,



Tanya? 😒

Comment, babes ❣

The Persian Nanny (.Trigga novel.) {Process of being edited}Where stories live. Discover now