Chapter Eight

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Micah was avoiding me.

After he abruptly left the bar that night, I could not stop thinking about what he said. He found me attractive. Maybe he could have just been drunk. but his clear fear and embarrassment that he reacted with said otherwise.

Micah is hiding the fact that he is interested in men.

I understood, more than he realized. If only he would let me explain. But every time we were in the same room without the requirement of doing our jobs, he was gone before I could think of approaching.

A few weeks passed, each day making it clear that I probably would not get the chance to explain myself to Micah.

Maybe it was for the best. I knew I would not be successful in finding a man to love right away. If anything, I could learn from this. I was still unsure of what exactly I could have done differently, but I was sure the next man I took interest in would be different.

Not that I had any time to think about other men lately. We were so close to finishing filming. It was a matter of days, at this point. I was eager to be done so that I may go home and spend some much needed time with my family.

When Anthony moved onto a scene I was not in, I hurried to my trailer to call Rosalinda. I had not talked to her or the children in almost a week and I knew the kids had just gotten out of school for the summer.

Except the answering machine picked up. Twice.

I knew it was unrealistic to expect them to be home for the random times I am able to call, but I was disappointed that I was not able to talk to them now. I did not know the next time I would have a chance to call before I was flying back home.

A rapid knocking on my trailer door made me jump. I rushed over and pulled it open, expecting to be summonded back to set much sooner than I had anticipated.

Instead, I was met with my family.

The children threw themselves at me first, wrapping their arms around me like their lives depended on it. I hugged them back tightly, knowing that my life did depend on keeping them close.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as when they finally let go, unable to keep the smile off my face.

"We missed you!" Reya shouted.

I laughed. "I missed you too, mija. Both of you. Tell me everything I missed."

They both started talking over each other as I tried my best to listen to every word. They talked so fast, switching repeatedly from English to Spanish without a thought. I would forever be grateful Rosalinda and I decided to teach them both languages from the time they were born.

I glanced over my children's heads at Rosalinda. She was just as gorgeous as ever, wearing a long flowing dress - black with sunflowers. The style of dress was one I knew she felt confident in, so I loved it on her.

Just behind her, however, I noticed Micah. He walked out from the studio, watching his feet instead of where he was going. As far as I could tell, he had no idea I was here.

I shushed my children, hating that I had to, but knowing this might be my last chance to talk to Micah. "Lo siento, just give me one minute. I need to talk to someone quick."

I hurried around my family, following after Micah, who was heading further from the studio. I quickly caught up and grabbed his arm to get his attention.

The look on his face made me instantly regret everything. "I am so sorry," I said, letting his arm go. "Please, can we talk?"

He took a shaky breath. "Why?"

"I want to tell you that I understand the situation you are in. The secret you are keeping. You do not have to worry about me saying anything to anyone. I would hate for someone to do the same to me."

He scoffed, shaking his head. "You can't possibly understand. Your whole life is on display to the whole world. Everyone knows everything about you!"

"Not everything."

I sighed deeply. Rosalinda had been the only one I have ever told. Did I trust Micah enough to tell him, too? The answer should be no. I barely knew him. But it would make us even - knowing such a deep secret about the other.

"What is it?" he asked softly.

I looked around, not seeing anyone else. My children were running around and making so much noise, as they usually did. Thankfully, they would be too focused on each other to listen in on my conversation.

"I, too, am interested in men."

Micah's eyes widened larger than I thought they could go and he inhaled sharply. "You're just saying that," he said. "That can't be true. Isn't that your wife and family behind you?"

"They are my family, yes. It took me a long while to discover who I was. My Rosalinda knows the truth, and we quietly divorced a few months ago."

He shook his head again, taking a step backward. "I don't know what kind of game you think you're playing, but you need to stop. It isn't funny."

"Meet me here tomorrow after filming is done," I said, practically begging. "Please. I cannot today, but tomorrow, I will explain everything."

He walked away without saying anything and I let him go.

I took a shaky breath before returning to my family. Maybe he would come tomorrow, maybe not. Even if he does not, that would be okay. It would have to be. I would eventually meet other men like me. All I needed to do was be patient.

"Was that him?" Rosalinda asked quietly when I stopped walking next to her.

"Sí, but I fear he does not want to talk to me."

At the sound of my voice, the children realized I had returned. They both were immediately on me, begging to go to lunch at a restaurant they had passed on their way here.

My family came all the way across the country to see me. How could I possibly think of refusing their every wish?

Reya and Renny were the most important part of my life. I should not focus on my disastrous love life when I had their happiness to think of first.


Mija - daughter

Lo siento - I'm sorry

Sí - yes

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