Chapter 1

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Akihiro is laying in the bushes, watching the government building with binoculars. He has been staking this place out for the past week, and has figured out the rotation of the guards and their patrol routes. He knows every movement they make, and when he will be able to make his move. He is patient, calculating, and deadly calm, and knows exactly what he has to do.strike.

It is time to strike Akihiro gets out of his hiding spot, and makes his way towards the building. He is wearing a black outfit with dark camo patches, and carrying a silenced pistol and a knife. He moves slowly and silently, avoiding any guards or lights, and soon arrives at the fence surrounding the government building. He quickly scales it, and makes his way to the back entrance. The door is locked, but Akihiro is skilled in lockpicking and opens it easily. He enters the building, and begins to move towards the official's office.

Akihiro creeps silently through the corridors, avoiding any guards or cameras. He is well-trained in stealth, and moves quickly and gracefully around corners and past closed doors. Finally, he reaches the official's office, and opens the door slowly and quietly. The official inside is asleep, and Akihiro quickly moves over to him. He takes out his silenced pistol, and fires a single shot at the official's head, killing him instantly.

1hour ago

Akihiro POV

Gunner has given me a sensitive mission to carry out. It is a dangerous task, and I must be precise and efficient to ensure success. The objective is to assassinate a high-ranking government official, and I know I must be careful and quick. He gives me the details of the mission, and I prepare myself for the task ahead. I know it will not be easy, but I am capable of getting the job done. I will bring success to the organization and make it known that we are not to be messed with.

I have prepared for the mission ahead, and now it is time to put my training to good use. It is important to be swift and efficient, and I know that I must succeed or face consequences. I move into position, and my nerves begin to tingle as I prepare to make my move. I am focused and determined, and I am ready to get the job done. I move swiftly and silently, and when the time is right I strike. I strike quickly and efficiently, and in a moment the job is done. I have fulfilled my mission and delivered success to the organization.

I quickly left the building
All the people screaming is like music to my ears.

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