The Rest Is A Blur

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When myself and Jadon get to the hospital, we rush through all the people, trying to find someone to help us find our family.

Jadon had me tucked underneath his arm, holding me tightly.

We get directed to a room with a plaque on the front, titled 'family room'. Inside was our dad, Hayley and Landon. My immediate reaction was to go to dad, who hugged me tight, and I returned it. We all hugged each other before sitting down on the comfortable sofas.

We all sit in silence.

Waiting and waiting.

Soon enough, a doctor in a white coat comes through the doors, greeting us softly.

She sits down, a clipboard balanced on her lap.

"This is incredibly hard for me to say, but unfortunately during the emergency surgery to remove the tumor on her brain, there were complications and I'm afraid that she has passed away." The doctor says, looking between the five of us.

And just like that, our world stopped and we went from a family of six, to a family of five.

"I will give you some time in here, then if you would like to, you can say goodbye to her" The doctor says gently, before leaving the room.

Hayley turns into dad's chest and lets out a painful cry. I look to Jadon who is staring into space, then Landon who is doing the same. Dad and I lock eyes and he pats the space of the sofa next to him, I get up and sit down next to him, as he puts his arm around me.

It takes me a good few minutes to start crying. Jadon comes to sit down next to me and Landon sits on the other side of Hayley.

The five of us stay together on the one sofa, as close as we could get to one another.

"I'll take care of us" Dad whispers gently, letting his own tears fall onto me and Hayley.

Half an hour later, none of us had moved. The same doctor from before comes back.

"Hi" She says softly. "We're all ready for you to come and see her? You don't have to, it's up to you."

"Come on, let's go say goodbye, and we can go home, its getting late" Dad says, Jadon and Landon getting up. Hayley stands slowly, followed by me and dad.

Dad goes first, with the doctor. Hayley quickly grips to me and I grip to her, following them. Landon and Jadon walk either side of Hayley and me.

They have always been so protective of us.

When we stop near a door, the doctor turns to us.

"You can go in by yourself or all together, take your time." She dismisses and leaves down the corridor.

"Can I go in first? I want to go myself." I speak up, fiddling with my fingers.

"Of course you can, sweetheart. Call us if you need us okay?" Dad gives me a hug and a kiss to the forehead.

"Ok" I take a breath and advance to the door handle. I open the door, closing it between him and casting my eyes downwards, not looking at her yet.

Slowly, my feet drag towards my mum laying in the bed. My eyes raise and I take her in.

Pale and lifeless.

I stare at her for a few minutes before sitting in a chair that was by her bed.

"Hi mummy" I say, starting to cry again. "I love you".

She doesn't move.

"I can't do this without you, please come back" I cry out, dropping out of the chair to my knees, holding her pale limp hand. "Please. I need you, I can't do this without you"

I cry and cry. I don't know how long I've been sitting here but soon enough a hand is on my back and I turn to see Jadon crouching behind me.

"Come here" He mumbles, quickly hugging me, bringing me into his arms and holding me in his lap.

Soon, everyone else in our family come in and we all spend time with mum before the doctor comes in to get her.

"We've discussed the option of having a organ donor, do you think we have come to a conclusion?" She asks us.

"Yeah I think so" My dad starts, looking between us. "It is what she wanted, she always wants to help other people, so yes. If you guys are happy, I am"

"As long as you treat her with respect, it's okay with me" Jadon says gently, keeping his arm around my shoulders.

"Well, if everyone is happy, I am going to take her down to where will look after her until the operations." She nods gently, and moves beside the bed, unclamping it from the floor. I release myself from Jadon's hold. I grab hold of mum with a sob, I bury my face in her neck crying into it.

"Please" I mumble. I feel a body take mine into theirs, clutching me to their chest. I look up, wiping my tears, to see Jadon. My whole body is shaking in his hold. My whole body aches.

"Jad, can you get her home please? Take Hayley too. I don't think Aven can handle this anymore." Dad says, making me hide in Jadon's neck once again.

"I want to stay." Hayley whispers.

"Okay, just take Aven home" Dad says, coming to us and kissing my head. "I love you sweetheart, I'll see you at home"

This just makes me sob harder.

The rest is a blur.

Author's Note:

I didn't plan this so early, but I thought that it was needed. As a reader, you don't find out much about Aven's mums illness. And I'm glad it was mainly a secret, the question is will you find out more about it?

Who knows?

Posted: 27.7.23

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