Chapter 2

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I'm struggling to stay awake. Leaning on the meeting table, I prop my head up with my hand. I've given up trying to follow and contribute to the marketing discussion. Instead, all my energy is spent on keeping my eyelids open.

It's now Thursday, and I've been like this all week.

The Bitch upstairs has been banging her drums every night. The hole in my ceiling has gotten bigger from me pounding on it with various items. Anything that I think will be loud enough to be heard over the drums.

I reported both the banging and the need for my ceiling to be repaired to the agent, but so far neither have been dealt with.

"Tzuyu?" My boss, Seojin, says.

"Yeah?" I say hesitantly.

"Are you awake?" he asks.

My cheeks burn red as the eyes of all six people in the meeting turn to me.

"Sorry, I've been having problems with my neighbor making noise at night and I haven't gotten any sleep this week."

"Why don't you go home and get some rest now."

The redness spreads from my cheeks all the way down my neck, and up to my hairline. I don't know if he's being nice, or is really pissed off at me.

"Okay, thank you, it won't happen again," I say, and gather up my things.

I make my way to my car, and plunk myself behind the wheel. I wonder if I even should be driving given how tired I am, but I manage to drive home without incident.

As I get out of the car, I pause and look up at the second floor windows and sigh. Why did she have to move in? Here, of all places. Why me? Why not her being paired with someone who's just like her?

I put my key in my door and turn, springing the door open. Making my way through the little entrance hallway, I emerge into the living room and jump.

A woman is up a ladder and plastering the ceiling. A plastic sheet covers my furniture and floor. Not just any woman, a jaw droppingly hot woman.

"You okay?" the girl ask, her voice is so sexy.

"You startled me, I wasn't expecting to come home and find someone in my living room."

She hops down off the ladder and wipes her dusty hands on her jeans. Her dark hair is messy, and some strands reach her eyes.

My heart beats faster and faster as I take her in. Her eyes are dark, such a deep brown they almost look black. The eyelashes that frame them are so long and thick, they seem to tangle with the messy hair hanging from her head. Her jaw is sharp, and her lips are so kissable.

Her white T-shirt is short so I can see her abs. Her tattooed arm is dusty from the plastering, creating an effect that is irresistible and it takes all my self-control not to reach out and touch the stranger.

As I stare at her, I become aware of her eyes raking over me.

When our eyes connect a jolt of something so powerful it hits me in my chest, and I have to move my foot behind me to steady myself.

We stand in silence, our eyes locked. Suddenly wide awake, my mind races, trying to understand my intense attraction to this woman. I wonder if she is thinking the same things.

"I'm glad they finally sent someone to fix the ceiling," I say, my voice breathy.

"So am I," she says, our eyes still connected.

I swallow, and say, "I'm Tzuyu."

"I'm Sana."

She steps toward me, her hand extended. On reflex, I lift my hand to hers. She takes it, sending warm from her hand rushing through me.

"Would you like a drink?" I offer, my heart pounding.

"Would love one," Sana says, but doesn't let go of my hand.

"Hot or cold?"


We remain motionless, in the center of my living room. Somewhere in the back of my head I think the drinks are in the kitchen. But I make no motion to move.

Sana swaps the hand she is holding mine with, and leads me to my kitchen. Opening the fridge, I grab the first thing I see, a Corona. I hold it up to her and she takes it from my hand. I reach back into the fridge and grab a second one.

We each open our beers.

"Cheers," she says, clinking her bottle against mine.

"You did a real number on your ceiling," Sana says, half smirking.

My cheeks flush, and I say, "I snapped. The girl upstairs is a real bitch, and keeps me up all night banging on her drums. I was trying to get her to stop."

"She sounds like a real idiot."

"Yeah. She won't answer her door, and even the owner won't respond to my complaints. I'm surprised they actually sent you to fix the ceiling."

"When property is damaged, it's more likely the owner will act."

"I wish they cared about my job. I got sent home today for being so tired and useless in a meeting. It's going to get me fired."

The fatigue and frustration comes rushing back, and I turn and step toward the kitchen to hide the emotion on my face.

"Hey, hey," Sana says, grabbing my shoulder and turning me back to face her. "Sorry this happened, you don't deserve it."

"Yeah will tell it to her. I can't lose my job over this."

My lip quivers as I struggled to hold back tears. I'm not usually so emotional, but the exhaustion is really getting to me. I turn my head, embarrassed that I'm about to break down in front of the stranger.

Sana's hand is firm on my shoulder, and she wraps her other arm around me pulling me into her. My body buzzes under her touch, and I welcome it. Somehow she soothes me.

I let her hold me tight against her strong body and even wrap my own arms around her waist.

She's tall, her boots gave her that heights anyway though I'm taller and my head nestled against her chest. I listen to her heart, the beating is fast and racing the same way my own heart is. I've never felt such an instant connection to someone before.

"Tzuyu," Sana says.

Looking up, my eyes once again connect with hers and I feel that jolt run through me again. It seems like she's going to say something else, but doesn't.

Unnerved, I let go of her and back away.

"Well, I should let you get your work done," I say.

"We haven't finished our beers yet."

The Corona is still gripped in my hand and I look at it as if noticing it for the first time. I take a drink, wishing it were something stronger.

"Okay, let's sit at the table," I say, realizing the furniture in the living room is coated in plastic sheeting.

We sit at the table, sipping our beers. The conversation with Sana is easy, and when we finish our beers I find myself automatically getting two more from the fridge.

Before I realize it, we finished the six pack. Whatever instant attraction I had for Sana has only grown.

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