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       "Oh fuck!"  Lorelai Graham's rounded the corner too quickly and her body collided against something making her fall over on it. Correction, on her. Addison grunted loudly as a woman in a wedding dress fell onto her. Lorelai raised her head slowly, her head beginning to throb immensely. Her eyes made contact with the woman who was currently pinned underneath her. "Oh my god! I am so sorry!" Lorelai attempted to stand up, losing her balance momentarily before reaching out to the woman.

"You're bleeding." Addison stated, looking at the small cut on Lorelai forehead as she took the woman's help to stand up.

"I wasn't looking where I was going, I am so sorry! Are you okay?" The ex-bride rambled whilst she looked over Addison making sure she was okay.

"Ma'am-" Addison attempted to calm Lorelai down.

"Anddd now you're looking at me like I'm crazy. Not crazy, I swear." She chuckled to herself. "I'm a doctor, a surgeon actually! Here at Seattle Grace too! Well, not yet. I was supposed to start in a few days, after my honeymoon, but it doesn't look like that's happening anytime soon. God, I'm such a klutz. I'll pay for your dry cleaning, I promise! I'm Lorelai, let me give you my card." The younger woman looked down at her dress, no purse in sight. "Sorry, I forgot my purse. I was kind of in a rush, I think the wedding dress kind of gave that away, huh?" She chuckled neaurvously at the end of her ramble, pausing to take a breath and Addison tried to give her a soft smile to comfort the woman.

"Lorelai?" The young woman hummed, tilting her head in curiosity. "You're bleeding."

"Huh?" Addison pointed to the woman's forehead and Lorelai brushed her hand against her own forehead, looking at her hand and she could see the blood. "Oh...Oh!"  Lorelai could feel herself start to get dizzy and the redhead could see it as well and quickly moved to stand behind the runaway bride.

"Ok Lorelai, get you checked out. Hm?" Addison wrapped around the shorter woman and began to lead her in the hospital.

"Oh, God! It's on my dress!"

"So, you're a surgeon?" Addison attempted to make small talk with the dark-haired woman. Normally, Addison wouldn't be cleaning up a mild head wound but seeing as Addison was the one who caused the wound, she wanted to see that it was thoroughly taken care of. Lorelai sat on a table in the exam room, keeping her eyes low as Addison patched up her wound. 

"I'm in a Donatella Versace multi-thousand-dollar dress that is covered in filth and blood with one heel on, and the heel is broke. And that's the question you ask?" Addison's blue eyes locked with Lorelai's big brown eyes as she let out a small laugh. "Yes, I am. Peds and trauma surgeon. You?"

"OB/GYN, fetal and neonatal." Addison stepped back once she put the bandage on, examining her work.

"Geez. I thought I was an overachiever." She looked back up towards Addison. The redhead smiled, taking off her gloves,

"Go big or go home, right?" The redhead joked with the young woman who nodded completely seriously. The youngest Graham child had always been an overachiever. "I'm Addison."

"Lorelai." She responded then chuckled again, "You already knew that. Sorry."

"So, wedding gone wrong?" Lorelai let out a snort, immediately covering her mouth as she stared wide eye at Addison who was looking at her in amusement.

"This is so not the way I wanted to meet my new co-workers. I was going to bake cookies, ya know? I love baking. Plus who doesn't love cookies?" Addison went to reassure the injured woman but it seems like Lorelai wasn't done her ramble. "But I ran away from my wedding and now I've met you in this god-awful dress. No; correction. I crashed into you and fell on top of you in this god-awful dress, injuring myself in the process."

"Do you always ramble this much or should I page for a neuro exam?" Addison raised a brow in amusement, her hand going to her hip.

"I do." Lorelai stopped for a moment to think about the choice of words she just used, letting out a giggle. "Hm? I guess I did end up saying 'I do' today, after all." This time Addison let out a chuckle of her own. "No neuro exam, it's not that bad."

"Well, if you want no exam, then you're welcome to leave." Lorelai smiled gratefully at the older woman, hopping down from the table, hissing slightly as her bare feet hit the cold hospital floor. "Do you need me to call someone to pick you up or-"


"You have no shoes-"

" I'll be fine, I have a friend that works here. Oh! You might know where I can find her. She's an intern." Please don't be Meredith Grey, please don't be Meredith Grey, Addison prayed silently. "Her name is Meredith-"

"Ah, yes. I know, Dr. Grey." Addison smiled tightly. There goes any chance of being friends. "I'll page her for you." Addison began walking towards the door but she turned back to the woman who was already grinning mischievously.

"Ask. I know you wannaaa." Lorelai said in a sing-song voice and in that moment Addison kind of hated her. She seemed so likable and Addison needed a friend but once she talked to Meredith, the chances of them being friends was extremely unlikely.

"Fine, I'll bite. Why did you pull a Rachel Green?"

"I love friends! We should-" Lorelai cut herself off, taking a breath. "Rambling again. Sorry. Why did I leave my wedding? What a question?" Lorelai looked at her hands, playing with her wedding ring. "John, my fiancé, well, ex-fiancé is a great man. Smart, funny, good-looking, he's the perfect family man. Just one teeny-tiny problem." The young woman held up her hand, showing a small space between her index finger and thumb. "He wasn't a she."

This had been the first time she had told someone, other than her family and past partners, that she was gay. Addison looked at the woman confused for a moment before it registered in her head.

"Oh!" Lorelai nodded and she awaited Addison's next words, "That's so better than the Limoges gravy boat." Addison joked with Lorelai, the smiled that formed on her lips let Addison know she got the tv show reference.

"Oh, we are so watching friends together."

i think i was in my friends era when i wrote this chapter..

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