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you were now walking with Dan Heng. March and Stelle were somewhere along with Bronya, you didn't really bother much about where they're going since it wasn't really your business and you weren't interested. The both of you were silent, it wasnt awkward because you and Dan Heng are getting quite used to it. After moments later, Dan Heng stopped in his tracks and observed some poster, you also did the same.

it read:

"BUTTERFLY ON SWORDTIP(pls recommend me a better idol name for seele...) PERFORMING AT 17:00 AM. COME AND WATCH IDOL SEELE PERFORM!

please buy tickets before entering."

and it showed a picture of Seele posing.

"hm.. didn't know Miss Seele would be an idol." Dan Heng said, placing a finger under his chin then looking at you. Your arms were on your hips, observing the photo closer. "i wanna see what this is all about. But do we have enough money?" You look at Dan Heng for a moment, your expression turned into a pleading one. Dan Heng groaned when he looked at your pleading. "Y/N..we have to tell the others first. If theyre interested and if they have money. And if they dont then—" "thenwewillbegformissseeletogiveusvipseatsforfree" You cut Dan Heng off, looking at him with the biggest grin you had. He could only sigh. You both started walking again but to find the three. Bronya, Stelle and March.


"Miss Seele is an..idol?" Bronya said, looking at you in disbelief. "She doesnt look like one..." She continued. "oh cmon Bronya, not all idols are supposed to look like you!" March told her. "Yeah..but still.." Bronya started nagging about how Seele doesnt fit to be an idol and such. "alright. enough..we wanted to buy tickets for her concert but we dont have enough money.." you told them. Dan Heng cough when you said 'we'.

"we? i think you mean you." you groaned. "please please can we go to her concert???" you started begging st the three. Stelle thought about it for a moment and look at Bronya. "Bronya, im sure you have alot of money right? can you buy us the tickets?" the silver haired girl look at Stelle. "um...im not quite sure.." Bronya said, looking at you then sighing. Her lips curved into a soft smile when she looked at you. "well..alright then. We'll see if Seele's performance is all that." You started jumping in joy when she agreed. You quickly hugged her, saying multiple 'thank yous'

"lets go then, we still have time to buy the tickets."

-another timeskip lol

after buying the tickets, you still had time to relax since it would be starting at 17:00. Dan Heng, March and Stelle headed to the hotel to rest for a bit leaving you and Bronya alone.

it was silent for a moment until she started to speak up. "remember when i said i wanted to walk with you again? lets do it now." you look at her and nodded. You both walked around the underground, you both still haven't reached certain places here so you and Bronya decided to take the route you havent went to.

during the walk, you both started alot of conversation which is weird for you because you expected it to be silent and a bit awkward. You and Bronya got to know each other well, knowing facts about eachother, hobbies, likes and dislikes. You really liked this moment, you wish it could last longer but the time almost hit 17:00. "the concert is almost starting. We should go." Bronya told you.

Later when you both reached the area the concert was at, you look at how much people were there. obviously.. its a damn concert. Dan Heng, March and Stelle were already there waiting for the both of you. "Oh.. finally you guys are here. We waited for so long." Stelle said. It was quiet between you and the others. "well what are we waiting for? lets go." Bronya's mood was getting a bit cheery. March jumped up and down, excitedly. "hurray!!!!" she cheered and you did the same. "yipee!!!"

are you guys full now😿

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