1) New Life

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Akaashi found himself in the corridor just outside the labour room of the hospital

The atmosphere was a mix of anticipation and nervous energy, with the sound of muffled voices and occasional cries of newborn babies filling the air

The hospital walls were painted in soothing pastel colours, offering a sense of calm amidst the underlying tension.

Seated on a comfortable chair, Akaashi's slender figure leaned forward, his hand pressed against his lips, a telltale sign of his anxiety

His deep, thoughtful eyes darted around the corridor, observing the flurry of activity unfolding before him

Doctors and nurses hurriedly moved from one end to another, their white coats swishing with each step

As he sat there, the sound of his father's voice resonated from his phone, intermittently breaking through the hospital's ambient noise. His father, caught up in a business call, spoke in a hushed tone, trying not to disturb the tranquillity of the hospital surroundings

Akaashi could hear snippets of the conversation discussing deals, deadlines, and the pressures of the corporate world

Though Akaashi's attention was divided between his father's conversation and the imminent arrival of his sister's baby, his heart remained fixated on the labour room door just a few steps away

As time ticked by, Akaashi's emotions swirled within him

The hour passed, Akaashi's anxiety grew with each minute of silence from the doctor

Then, with a creak, the labour room door opened, revealing a doctor holding Akaashi's mother by her arms

Akaashi's heart skipped a beat as he saw his mother's tear-streaked face. He quickly rose from his chair, rushing to her side, his own eyes welling up with tears

Carefully, he helped his mother sit down, offering her his support and presence in this moment of anguish.

His gaze turned toward the doctor, who removed her mask, revealing a compassionate yet solemn expression

The doctor's words struck Akaashi like a blow, causing his breath to catch in his throat. "It's a healthy baby girl," she said, momentarily bringing relief and joy to his heart

But before Akaashi could fully absorb the happiness of his niece's arrival, the doctor's words took a devastating turn "But, the mother didn't make it."

The room seemed to spin around him as those words echoed in his ears. Akaashi's eyes widened in disbelief, tears streaming down his face, mixing with the unshed tears on his mother's cheeks

At that moment, Akaashi's world shattered. The joy he had felt seconds ago turned into an indescribable sadness, enveloping his heart like a suffocating darkness

He clung to his mother's hand, his grip tightening as if trying to anchor himself amidst the storm of emotions raging within him

Akaashi's father approached the doctor, his own face etched with grief and disbelief. His voice trembled as he asked, "When can we see her?" Hoping for a glimmer of solace in the form of the newborn

The doctor shook her head, her expression filled with sympathy. "The baby needs some check-ups. I'll let you know when you can enter." Her words held professionalism with a hint of empathy, but they did little to alleviate the pain that enveloped the family

With one last smile, the doctor walked back into the room, leaving Akaashi and his family alone in the corridor, consumed by their grief

Akaashi's tears continued to flow as he held his mother tightly, seeking solace and strength in their shared sorrow
Meanwhile, his father paced back and forth along the sterile hospital corridors

In that moment, time stood still for Akaashi and his family, as they grappled with the profound loss they had just experienced. The hospital corridor, once filled with hope and anticipation, now carried the weight of an immeasurable sorrow

Indeed, Akaashi's heart was torn apart by the devastating loss of his sister

As he held his mother tightly, tears continued to stream down his face, mingling with his mother's sorrowful sobs

The void left by his sister's passing felt unreal, and Akaashi struggled to comprehend a world without her. They had shared a special bond, an unbreakable connection that had woven their lives together from the beginning. She had been his confidante, his best friend, and his source of unwavering support.

Now, all those memories and moments they had shared were tinged with an unbearable ache

Akaashi couldn't help but replay them in his mind, each memory like a bittersweet treasure. The laughter, the shared secrets, the late-night talks-they felt both precious and excruciatingly painful

As the reality sank in, Akaashi faced the harsh truth that his sister had left behind a small child, her daughter whom she would never have the chance to know and love. The weight of that loss only deepened his sorrow

Seconds turned into minutes, and Akaashi found himself grappling with a mix of emotions, sadness, anger, confusion, and even guilt. He questioned why such a tragedy had befallen their family, and he yearned for answers that were elusive and out of reach

As the nurse emerged from the room, Akaashi's heart skipped a beat. The sight of the covered bed being wheeled away

Akaashi's mother, unable to contain her worry, stood up instinctively, reaching out to grab the bed. However, the nurse gently stopped her, reassuring her
"Ma'am, we're taking her to a different room, don't worry. You can enter now to see the baby," the nurse explained, offering a comforting presence in a moment of uncertainty

Akaashi's mother nodded, her gaze lingering on the bed as it rolled away. With a deep breath, she mustered the strength to let go, understanding that her daughter was in capable hands

Together, mother and son entered the room, leaving Akaashi's father behind, still processing the weight of their loss

Inside the room, Akaashi's eyes were drawn to the sight of his newborn niece, sleeping serenely in a glass crib

The tiny bundle of life filled the room with an aura of innocence and hope. Akaashi's heart swelled with emotions as he watched his mother's face light up with a radiant smile

His mother carefully lifted the baby into her arms, cradling her gently against her chest

They settled onto a nearby couch, and Akaashi positioned himself close to them, his hand tenderly brushing against the baby's soft cheeks. As if responding to his touch, the baby stirred slightly, her head moving in a delicate motion

In that tender moment, Akaashi's mother suggested a name, a tribute to her daughter "We should name her after her mother," she proposed, her voice filled with love and longing

Akaashi whispered in agreement, a smile gracing his lips. "It would be perfect," he murmured, his heart warmed by the significance of the name and the connection it held

"Welcome to the world, Kazuko" Akaashi's mother spoke softly, her grin spreading across her face

Akaashi's eyes shimmered as he gazed at his niece, cherishing the beauty of the present moment

Amid their loss, a new chapter had begun, and Akaashi vowed to be there for Kazuko, to protect and love her with all his heart, just as he would have done for his sister, even if his sister was older than him

1196 Words

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