Where's My Wife

Start bij het begin

How is this possible?
He asked himself getting panic.
He was about to call but the person call by itself it's VC, he can only see Pragya and the person hand.

Open your eyes and talk to your husband.
Said the kidnapper slapping her not that hard but still it hurt.

Stop that please, who are you and what did you want from me?.

Nothing just want to see you in pain.
He said pulling Pragya cheek roughly abhi close his eyes tight,he opened hearing her painful moan.

Pragya are you ok?.
He asked worried.

Suniye, what am I doing here? I was sleeping in our room right?
Ask Pragya seeing him on video call after gaining her consciousness.

I don't know don't worry nothing will happen to you.

Please remove the robe from my belly it too tight am feeling suffocate.
She beg the kidnapper but he didn't mind her.

Suniye tell him to remove it from my belly it hurting our child he/she is struggling in there and it hurt me too I can't breathe properly
She started to cry.

Please remove it from her belly I'll give you whatever you want.
He said with pleading voice, his eyes wet with tears just a blink will be enough to wet his shirt, can't bear what's going on.

Abhi see the kidnapper cutting the one on her tummy Pragya took a deep breath.

Are you ok now?

Yeah but my whole body hurt it's too tight, what's going on suniye.?

Can you please tell me the reason why you've kidnapped my wife?

Am just doing my work I don't know the reason why I kidnapp her.

Who asked you to do that?

I don't know and this gonna be the last time you'll see your wife.

Don't say that, please tell me whatever you want I promise I'll give them to you without involving the police all I want is for her to be safe, why are you torturing a pregnant woman like this? please tell me whatever you want, is it Money ?car?or house? Please just let go of her.

Boss I think this is great offer at least we can betray Mr Neil for once.
Said someone at the background.

No I can't do that am very loyal with my work said the Boss.

Wait, did I heard Mr Neil?
Ask abhi, he heard a gunshots and Pragya screaming  they quickly end the call.

He shivered trying to reach them but they blocked him.
No it can't be Pragya, they can't shoot her.
He said quivering he went back home keeping it to himself, he's scared involving the police thinking he might lose his wife forever, because kidnappers are like that,once they get to know you've report them to police they won't mind to kill the person.

On the other side the Boss shoot the guy who mention the culprit name.

Mr Neil? Who's Mr Neil? I don't know anyone call Mr Neil.
He said still trying to reach the number.
They called him with different number.

Abhi get happy to see her, he wonder whom they Shoot at first.
He cry seeing her state, she look weak and pale.

See, I still haven't tell the police about it, please trust me I'll give whatever you guys want if you let go of her.
He said wiping his Tears that are falling automatically.

That's how it have to be, you gave someone broken heart and now yours will be worse, wait and see your child and wife dieing.
Reality strikes him he remember Mr Neil is Sonakshi's father.

I DO(N'T) LOVE YOU(Abhigya Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu