13- Its Goin' Down

Start from the beginning

Ma turns back towards us, and then at the dog. "Although it seems absurd, turn your bark into a word!" She does a pathetic little fake spell and flick.

I look at Uma and raise an eyebrow. She looks at me with an, is she serious?, face.

Mal turns to us nervously, then looks back at the dog, "talk dog!" She says. I'm about to laugh, then the unexpected happens. The dog talks!

"Does this best make me look fat?" I laughed so hard. "Hey, does anyone have any Bacon? Cookies?" He asks. By now the entire crew was laughing.

Uma puts her hand up and the crew stop laughing, me, Harry and Gil still chuckle though. She then extends it up to Mal.

"Gimme the wand!" Uma demands.

"Give me Ben!" Mal commands back.

"Harry, bring him here." Uma says, my smirk turns into a frown and I roll my eyes. Harry brings him over and shoved Ben in front of us and pushes him to his knees, I put my arm on his head and lean on it.

"Cut him loose" she says to me.

I grab my sword and cut the rope are we be his hands, purposely cutting a bit of his jacket. I hear Harry mumble, "I never get to have any fun" so I smack the back of his head playfully. He grabs it and glares at me and I smile innocently.

Ben grabs on to Mal's hand but I hold him back until Mal gives Uma the wand. When she does I let got of Ben and we all run to the ship.

Me and Uma grab the wand and raise it up and chant "By the power of the sea, tear it down and set us free!" Nothing happens, as I expected.

"It's a fake!" I scream. Acting in key in this situation.

"UGH!" Uma grunts while snapping the wand in half then threateningly pointing it at Mal, "YOU DO NOT GET TO WIN EVERY TIME!" She yells. Wow she can act. The crew starts to attack.

I climbed up the rope ladder just to be blinded by yellow and green smoke. "Ugh" I shout in frustration. I cut the rope and swing out of the smoke to land in front of Jay.

"Heya bro" I say to him, with an evil smirk.

"Naomi... I can't fight you." He said lowering his sword.

"Ok. I mean I came for a challenge but I guess I can just get revenge" I said. Then I started attacking him. He kept blocking until I had him cornered. Then I heard a shout.

"SHAR!" I turned my head and it was Maire. I lost control of my body, she was cornered by Carlos, he had a sword and she was disarmed.

I dropped my sword and ran towards them, flipped over the railing, swung on the pole of the ship and ran and again jumped over a railing, then landed in front of her, blocking Carlos'a sword from going any further with my arm. "Don't touch my GIRLFRIEND" I said to him. I released a wave of magic that knocked everyone down except for Maire. Then using my eyes and my magic I held him against the wall by his arms. Everyone stared in shock at me.

I realised what I was doing and I instantly stopped. I looked at my hands, "woah" I said smirking.

Maire looked at me and said, "So are we together now?" She asked with a smirk.

"If that's ok with you?" I asked.

She walked up to me and gave me a passionate kiss. We broke apart for air.

The crew cheered, while the VKs ran to Carlos. They stared at me. I looked at Uma. She took this as her chance to escape.

"Right, now I believe that we are fighting?" I say picking up Maire's sword and chucking it to her. The crew cheered at my command. Someone tossed me my sword again.

"Harry! Jay, Gil! Ben, you 5! Evie, you 3! rando girl, you 6! Mal and I'll take Carlos. GO!" I yelled.

The crew sprinted into action, I ran towards Carlos and struck him, he dodged.

"Oh Carlos, I didn't have anything against you. Only Jay and Mal. But now I have a reason to attack you." I said while striking, he kept dodging and blocking.

"FIGHT. ME. BACK" I yelled in frustration.

"NO!" He yelled back. Struggling.

"UGH! WHY?" I said trying to get him to fight me back.


Those words made me falter, "You obviously do, you didn't even remember me! Not even a mention of a sister or a friend!" I said to him. He couldn't counter that.

"How are you so sure of that?" He asked me.

I laughed, "Had a chat with Beasty Boy, very helpful." I spat.

He looked down in shame. "Naomi, I'm sorry"

"To late for sorry's now" I said, annoyed.

"No, I know that. But I'm apologising for this" he said, I looked at him confused and Jay grabbed my waist and attached bracelets to me.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!" I yelled catching everyone's attention.

"SHAR!" Harry yelled.

"NO-MI!" Maire shouted.

"NAOMI!" Gil screamed.

"HELP!" I screamed while punching Jay.

The crew tried to get me back by attacking them but they failed, I went through the tunnel.

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