Prolouge: The Potel Project

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From the moment our eyes open in this world, we are supposed to be held by loving arms. Those of our parents. It was different here.
Our world was ran by technology, but it was the people who we should have feared the most.

Back in 2023, a woman named Amaria Potel discovered a way to code a computer to scan a persons brainwaves, determining the person they used to be in their former life. This technology was patented as Techfate.
The first person they did this experiment on was a newborn baby, who was the reincarnation of Queen Elizabeth.
Immediately, the baby was taken from her parents, and brought to the royal family at the time. Rumor has it, the doctor had silently taken her money from the project, and vanished, leaving her computers in the hands of her interns.

That was hundreds of years ago. Since then, the entire world had adapted to this technology, and like it or not, parents and children were constantly being separated.
Some parents were sad, but figured if their child was a former celebrity, they deserved to be taken care of by someone richer.
Others felt some things were unfair. A criminal who had been sentenced to life would kill himself, and pass his sentence to a child, and that sentence would have to be carried out. It was unfair, and unjust.
Over the many many years, people revolted against these rules, but were subsequently shut down, and laws around the world were constantly being enforced.
Eventually, people had stopped revolting, at least, as far as I know.
Oh, right. I should probably introduce myself.

My name is Theodora. I am the first recorded person without a former life, at least, that anyone can find.
I'm not anything special, which is weird why I'm so 'special' to the doctors who operate on me.
According to my adoptive mother, Miss Rooker, I'm mixed Greek and something else, I don't even think she knows, but my skin is dark, so I'm assuming one of my birth parents was as well.
I'm fairly skinny due to all the medical procedures, but it's fine, I don't care.
The girls in my private school think i'm plain, which I don't blame them. I wear my slightly curly hair in stiff ponytails and I never switch up my uniforms, which all the others do.
I keep to myself.

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