Chapter 1: Waiting Room

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I sat in the waiting room for the hospital, dressed in a white button up over a black plaid skirt.
I tapped my toes on the ground, idly glancing around the room.
My attention was turned to a person with bright pink hair who was pushed into the waiting room. She turned, flipping off the nurse who left her in here.
"God DAMN!" They shouted. She wore a black jacket over her white button up, with a matching skirt.
This was the standard uniform for teenage girls that attended school in the city, but I didn't recognize her from my private classes.
They caught my gaze, her razor sharp gaze turning into annoyance, as she sank down into the beige sofa next to me.
"What're you in for?" They said, running her hand through her hair, fluffing it out more.
"In for?" I repeated. These were daily occurrences for me, being in this waiting room.
My guardian, Addilyn Darin, was a private headmaster, who sent me to this waiting room for my daily tests.
I was often tested in history, as an attempt to jog my memory.
It never worked. The person was looking at me for an answer, so I shrugged.
"Memory test, I guess."
She stared at me, doubt on her face as she nodded.
"I'm in for 'natural hair pigmentation'." She quoted with her fingers. "Isn't that stupid? Something... I WAS BORN WITH!" She shouted, making the others look at her.
I slouched in my seat as the person rolled her eyes.
"Based off that outfit, I bet you're a student of Saint Clover High?" The girl stared at my white button up and my black skirt.
"Yes." I nodded, smiling innocently. "I'm actually a special student of Katherine Darin, current head scientist of Techfate."
"Pssh." The girl scoffed. "You really listen to that lying bitch?" Her expletives attracted attention.
"Um." I frowned, crossing my arms. "She is my mother."
"Oh." The girl looked away. "Birth mom or-"
I shrugged. "I don't know, I've just lived with her all my life."
"Hm." The girl turned to me, as she looked me up and down. "Well, the family resemblance is slim to none."
"Who are you, anyways?" I asked the girl, who had taken out a hand mirror and was applying thick eyeliner.
"Rowan Swiss." She lowered her mirror, her dark eyes meeting mine.
"Theodora Harrington." I smiled politely, extending my hand for a handshake, which caused the girl to roll her eyes, before she fist bumped my hand.
"So... Thea..." Rowan put the mirror and mascara away. "That's your nickname, Thea." She smirked at me, as she pointed to some of the other people in the hospital. "Can you guess why some of these people are in?"
I surveyed the room with my eyes. Pregnant mothers were a given, a new prototype of TechFate was to see the past life of a baby before it was born, and the pregnant mothers were usually the rich ones who never got their children taken from them. Some others with dyed hair, possibly the same reason as Rowan. I opened my mouth to speak, but I was cut off by the smell of perfume and flowers.
The door to the hospital waiting room opened, and the scent wafted in. Rowan and I turned our heads to the door, and saw someone we didn't expect to see here.

Princess Cerafina, a high ranking royal member of the city council. She was a black girl, around the same age as us, with bleach blonde hair, stiff and straightened, with a face full of thick, but beautiful makeup.
I had seen her on magazines and billboards in the city, as the royal teenagers of the city council were used for messages for the youth.
Promotion of Techfate and the such.

"Pssh." Rowan rolled her eyes, looking away from the princess, but I could see her cheeks were slightly flushed.
"I wonder why she's here." I said out loud, as I watched her talk to the receptionist. Her voice was soft, and english, and I couldn't make out what she said.
When she turned to sit down, she looked scared and nervous, and when she looked towards us, she turned beet red and looked away.
"Watch this." Rowan said, getting up from her seat, walking towards the princess.
"Wait-" I tried to stop her, but Rowan looked back to me with a smirk, as she walked up to the princess.
"Hey Princess." Rowan folded her arms, as Princess Cerafina gasped in embarrassment, hiding her face and blushing. "Names Rowan. Pronouns She/They."
I blinked in confusion watching them, but also making a mental note.

"Theadora?" A nurse called from the door, pulling me away from the bizarre flirting.
I stood up and followed the nurse, who walked in front of me with a clipboard.

As I walked the long hallway, the echoing taps of my shoes set the scene.
No matter how many times I go to the hospital, it scares me, and today felt...different.

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