* Missing her/him

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A/n: so this is what it's like when your crush isn't on the same school as you..anyway I hope you enjoy I'm really happy if you guys keep supporting me and make this story known I really appreciate you kings!

Oh and another thing I change your sisters name you might be suprise of who your sister might be hehe...

Quote of the day:
“ missing someone is part of loving them .”

* You're in class, not listening to the teacher. You're so bored, and you're thinking about Ai you met last night instead. You can't stop thinking about her, and you want to see her again. She makes you so happy, and you want to be with her all the time. You're so lucky to have her and you don't want to take her for granted. She makes your day so much better. *

* You're spacing out and thinking about the Ai you met last night, and all kinds of happy things are going through your head. Kiyotaka notices, and he asks what's wrong. *

" Hmm?..oh well I'm just thinking about having wagyu steak for dinner "

Kiyotaka then looks at you suspiciously

Kiyo: " Huh is that so?..."

" Y-yeah and why are you looking at me like that! "

Kiyo: " nothing really it's just the last time I saw you being like that was when your still dating Mar- "

"Don't finish saying that name"

* You said in a serious tone.
You suddenly feel very serious, and you want Kiyotaka to stop talking This is not the kind of thing you want to be joking around about *

Kiyotaka feels badly for almost saying that name, because he could see it upset you so much. He doesn't want to upset you further, so he apologizes for almost saying it, and he promises not to say it again. "I'm sorry," he says, "I didn't mean to upset you."

You're still a little bit upset, but his apology helps you to calm down. And his promise to not say that name again gives you some assurance, he's still willing to show you respect by not bringing it up again.

I then sigh and apologize to kiyotaka " I'm sorry I shouldn't have taken that seriously"

Kiyotaka: "It's okay, I understand. Sometimes we just feel serious about things, and that's nothing to feel bad for." He gives you an understanding nod, wanting to show you that he's still there for you. "Let me know if anything comes up again," he says, "And don't be afraid to tell me anything. I want to be there to listen to you if you ever need to talk about anything." He gives you a warm smile as he says this, so you know that he really does mean it.

You smiled at kiyotaka thinking he's a really good friend to be around

The bell rings, and everyone begins to leave heading to the cafeteria

" You know your really a good friendkiyo even if your an expressionless dork "

Kiyotaka: " I can't tell if your complimenting me or insulting me "

" HAHA and that monotone of yours always gets me laughing "

Kiyotaka just sigh and got up from his seat

"Let's get some snacks," Kiyotaka says, and you both head over to the cafeteria. There's all kinds of different options, but you both decide to get some chips and sodas to enjoy together. You find a table, and you sit down together with your food, ready to eat and chat together. Kiyotaka starts to tell you about his day, and you listen while you eat. It's nice to be with your best friend, and you're so glad to have someone you can trust so much.

" I'm sorry again kiyo... it's just you know I don't like to be reminded of that  name I might have move on but it's still hurts

Kiyotaka: " no it's my fault I'm sorry I know how much you cried over her "

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