Second-if this one experiment file was anything to go by, did it mean Miranda had access to...others within the Megamycete?

Ethan didn't dare to say either name to Eva, or even think of them...for one reason–it was too hard. Too much to bear, to think that Mia might be out there in some form. The blond refused to let his thoughts spiral down the same path they had taken for the three years he hoped she was alive. Whatever Ethan felt about it, he was certain that Karl's emotions would be an even longer, darker spiral on the topic of his family and Miranda.

The two blonds reread the file, discussed what little they could, and agreed to speak later as Karl whistled through the house, as if calling livestock, from downstairs. His voice was a deep rumble as he threatened to leave the two behind and take Rosemary out for ice cream.

The trek was moderately easy, and Ethan found himself happy, at peace to be back in nature. Backpacking was a hobby of his, hiking another, long ago. It felt like a different lifetime, and he considered as they ascended the mountain trail, that it was a different lifetime. The Ethan Winters with those experiences had died in Dulvey. Another Ethan Winters woke up, carried out the difficult task of surviving the night, and reconnected with Mia in an attempt to heal. That Ethan had become a father. And then that Ethan had died. Alone, in the snow, without a heart.

Heisenberg had seen to it that another Ethan Winters was here, ascending the trail with him as he cursed and muttered under his breath. It seemed Karl's Roma blood did course somewhere in his veins after all, as he paced. He was wary of this Witch's Pond, shaking his head every so often when Ethan inquired the reasons for his unease. Never so much had Heisenberg reminded him of the Iron Steed on his house insignia and Rosemary's book. He was headstrong, huffing up the trail as if it were nothing to him, and he was shaking his unkempt hair, tossing it behind him as the trees grew thicker.

He carried the same white-glint in his eyes that had been drawn on the stallion's profile; Ethan found himself avoiding Karl, but staring after him in amusement nonetheless. Might as well enjoy the view before dealing with...whatever they were going to have to deal with.


And there it was, just like he'd seen in the lower strata. The once-lake was certainly not as clear as it had been during Miranda's lifetime; it was stagnant, leaves floating on the strangely hued stillwater. As they approached, Ethan could almost feel the nature around him shift, as if it were not pleased with their arrival. Warning them to stay away? He canted his head, staring out at the tree-lined banks of the far side. It felt wrong.

Everyone was on edge, he realized. Eva was quiet, withdrawn. Karl was stomping around like a goddamn steam engine, and huffing the same amount. Rosemary was on Ethan's shoulders, and when he tried to set her down, she resisted with a cry. So he hoisted her up again.

"Heisenberg, can anything?"

Karl stared at him blankly. He threw out an arm. "Such as.....?"

"If she really did come up here," Ethan began sourly, "Wouldn't you be able to sense the crystals? Don't they resonate with your powers?"

"Believe it or not, Winters," Karl said with faux-patience, "I don't have x-ray vision. And my powers would just turn this sad sack of a soup bowl into an electrified swamp, if that's what you're askin'."

"For fuck's sake," the blond muttered under his breath, removing Rosemary from his shoulders and passing her into Eva's arms. The other seemed to already guess his next steps, and she frowned, "Oh, you can't possibly–"

"Somebody's gotta," he answered, and kicked off his boots and socks. When Ethan made a point to stare directly at Karl, rolling his jeans up to his knees, the engineer shook his head again and turned away, as if he couldn't bear to watch the stupidity. The familiar sound of a lighter clicking broke the other's silence.

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