Chapter 27 // Resolutions

Start from the beginning

"Looks like you're all set," the nurse stated after about twenty minutes. "Check your stitches ever few hours, and, if some blood has leaked, just wipe it down. Change the bandage when it gets too dirty. We don't want an infection."

You watched the nurse pluck the IV from your arm and bandage the small puncture wound before saying, "you're parents have brought you spare clothes. I'll call them in."

"Thank you," you said to the woman, who nodded as she took her leave.

Your parents entered the room much more frantically a few minutes later. Your mother entered quickly, waving her hands as she rushed over to you. Your dad followed closely behind her, clean clothes folded in his arms.

"Mom, I'm fine," you said in order to keep the woman from panicking further.

"You were stabbed," your mother huffed.

"And now I'm stitched and bandaged," you stated. "I'm fine. Good to go. I can be discharged."

"Keep using that tone and you'll be grounded, Missy," she replied, but she managed a small smile afterward before she pulled you into a small hug.

"Toshi's here?" you questioned as you leaned back.

"Yes, and that blond boy," your mother sighed. "Can you ever stay out of trouble?"

"No, it's not in my nature," you said bluntly before looking at your father and extending your arms, saying, "clothes please."

Your father handed you the clothes before he and your mother stepped out into the hallway, allowing you to get dressed with some privacy. After changing, you made the bed look decent before you headed out into the hallway with your dirty clothes bundled in your arms.

"Come on, we'll take you and Hitoshi to dinner," your father said. He took your dirty clothes and tucked them under his arm as the three of you headed toward the lobby.

Upon your arrival, your parents approached the front desk to check you out. You looked around, your eyes eventually falling upon two familiar boys; one with lilac hair and once with ash blond.

Shinso and Bakugo were glaring at each other from their seats. Bakugo sat slouched with his arms crossed, and Shinso sat at the edge of his chair with his elbows resting on his knees.

"Toshi," you found yourself saying, which caused Shinso to immediately pull his eyes away from Bakugo's angry face and toward you.

He stood quickly as you approached. You could tell he was antsy with the way he pivoted from foot to foot and curled and uncurled his fingers at a quick pace.

"Hi," you said quietly. It came out as more of a sigh as you wrapped your arms around his waist, hugging him.

You felt Shinso exhale deeply as you circled his arms around your shoulders and squeezed you back tightly.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you..." Shinso whispered near your ear. "I was being stupid."

"Yes, yes you were," you agreed with a hum, "but I don't care anymore. I'm hungry. My parents are taking us to dinner."

You understood why Shinso said what he said, and you were glad he acknowledged he was being unreasonable. Despite the fact that you still don't agree with what he said, you weren't mad at him. Nothing could make you hate him or stay mad at him.

"You're still mad at me," Shinso commented, and you shook your head as averted your eyes to his.

"Annoyed? Yes. Mad? No," you stated while stepping back. "You know you'll always be my best friend. It doesn't matter if I'm in the hero course or in another state. You're my best friend."

"Yeah," Shinso sighed. You could tell there was another question behind his eyes, yet all he said next was, "I know."

"Good," you smiled, not wanting to push it any further.

"Let's go," your father's voice greeted your ears.

You turned around and nodded at him before taking Shinso's band. This earned you a small side smile from your best friend. However, before the two of you could follow your parents out the door, you were pulled back by fingers wrapping around your free hand.

"Let go, Bakugo," Shinso suddenly demanded before you could even turn to face the blond.

"Shinso, it's fine," you said, eyeing him before mouthing, 'not again.'

There was no reason for him to be jealous of Bakugo. There was no reason for him to be a jerk even if Bakugo was a jerk back. He should know not to retaliate, yet he felt the need to.

"I'll meet you in the car," you assured.

Shinso opened his mouth, but he quickly silenced himself, only nodding and sparing Bakugo a sharp glance before leaving.

Bakugo slowly released your hand as you turned to face him. You couldn't decipher his expression. He seemed mostly tired, but you could sense some irritation and anger.

"How long have you been here?" you asked him slowly. Bakugo looked everywhere but your eyes. You scanned his body, noticing he was hiding his right hand behind his back.

"Since yesterday when you fucking collapsed," Bakugo replied gruffly. "You think I'd leave without knowing if you croaked?"

"Aw, you do care?" you teased while poking his shoulder.

"What, did you think I wanted you to fucking die?" Bakugo questioned angrily.

"Well, considering you tell everything else to go die on a daily basis, maybe," you joked with a grin, and Bakugo's irritated expression flattered.

"I don't want you to die," Bakugo stated, his voice oddly soft, but he quickly put on his usual angry facade again before you could say anything.

"Here," he continued, extending his once hidden hand to reveal a rectangular box the size of a small brick.

"What is it?" you asked curiously. You took the box and examined it, your eyes widening when you recognized the familiar print of a fresh phone box.

"You're shitty one broke, right?" Bakugo replied. "Now you got a new one."

"Bakugo," you exhaled, "you didn't have to buy me a phone."

Bakugo scoffed, saying, "how else is someone supposed to get a hold of ya when you get yourself into fucking trouble again?"

You smiled, replying with, "Thank you."

Bakugo didn't do anything. He didn't reply verbally or make a responsive gesture. He simply stood there, once again looking everywhere but your eyes.

" wanna come to dinner with us?" you eventually asked, and Bakugo eyed you suspiciously.

"You tryin' to get me to fight your little boyfriend?" the blond questioned.

"Shinso's not my boyfriend," you stated with a sigh, "and the whole idea of fighting him is coming from your little secluded mind."

"Whatever!" Bakugo shouted with a huff before quickly side-stepping around you. "I'm goin' home."

You watched with an amused smile as Bakugo walked out of the hospital, hands in pockets and posture slouched as if he was just an upset child who had been denied of something.

'He so cares,' you thought, mentally laughing as you walked outside with a grin.


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