Chapter 13 // Making Progress

Start from the beginning

"If you don't mind," you began, grinning, "I'm gonna go find that flag."

"Big smack talk for your first day," Todoroki claimed, shooting his fire at you. You quickly dodge it by creating another set of strings, stretching now them to the wall to your right, and pulling yourself away from the flames.

"You seem to have no problem retaliating," you shrugged before deciding to bail. You used your strings to swing from wall to wall, ceiling tile to ceiling tile, as you speeded through the building, Todoroki not too far behind you as he used his ice as a mode of transportation, which increased his speed greatly.

You stayed to the outer hallways of the building, practically leading Todoroki in circles, which he didn't seem to notice since the two of you were moving so quickly. If you knew one thing it's that it was hard to shake Todoroki. It'd be best to keep him preoccupied while you waited for Bakugo or Mina to make their way toward the flag.

It wasn't too long before you came upon another turn, which you swiftly made by shooting out your string to the wall that was already in your vision and using the thread as leverage to swing yourself around the corner. Well, it would've went much smoother if Bakugo hadn't come around the corner at the same time, waving his explosions everywhere like a literal maniac.

The two of you crashed into each other. Bakugo curled his knees into his stomach as a reflex, which resulted in him kneeing you harshly in the gut as you collided, and, if it weren't for Todoroki noticing the collision and shooting out his ice to protect you, Bakugo's heated hand would've smacked right into your face.

You managed to curl into the fetal position and shift in midair so that your back would hit the ground first, which protected the rest of your body, for the most part, but you couldn't help but cringed when you heard, and felt, and cracking sound in your lower back.

"What the hell, Bakugo?" you questioned as you pushed yourself up onto your knees. The blond had already recovered and was now glaring at you.

"Don't 'what the hell?' me!" Bakugo yelled in response. "You're the one who came swinging around the corner!"

"Yeah, because I was actually running from someone," you replied angrily as you stood up, brushing out the wrinkles that had formed in your costume when you fell. "Then, here's you, coming around the corner like a maniac! What were you even aiming at?"

"You two are pathetic," Todorki claimed, and you didn't even have time to look over Bakugo's shoulder at the dual haired boy before he took the opportunity to immobilize the both of you with his ice. You grew cold as his quirk enveloped you, and you never thought that you would be stuck in a block of ice one day, yet here you were.

"Icyhot!" Bakugo called, squirming in the place he was stuck in. Todoroki shrugged before running off to, you were assuming, find Mina and take her down too.

"This is all your fault," you said, making no attempt to get out of Todoroki's ice since you knew it was no use.

"My fault?" Bakugo scoffed. "Yeah, right."

"You're such a hypocrite," you groaned in annoyance. "You always tell people to get out of your way, and you scold them for their mistakes, yet you can't even own up to yours when you're given the chance too."

"You were the one running away from IcyHot like a coward!" Bakugo claimed. "You didn't even try to team you with Pinky. You went off on your own just like I did."

"You're actually an idiot," you said, and, unlike your usual comments, you weren't chucking or being sarcastic. Your voice was stern and had clearly dropped at least an octave as you stared at Bakugo with a hardened gaze.

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