chapter seven

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It was one week before Zhou Zhi Shu's wedding and Wei ying knew that Lan zhan was right.

He needed to let Zi Shu know everything about the past. He needed to talk things out with Zi Shu.

Lan zhan had left early today, it was his dad's birthday and the last conversation he had with his father was when his father practically abandoned his younger son. It definitely wasn't the easiest memory to settle with, so lan zhan left early today saying that he needed to practice some more but wei ying knew that he just needed to be alone for some time.

Wei ying left the house, slightly nervous, hopping on his toes.

When he knocked on the door of his old house, he was in cold sweat. Today's conversation was going to change their relationship forever. Zi Shu opened the door and seeing his little Ah-Xian in front of him, Zi Shu jumped in for a hug. Even though Zi Shu was older, he was shorter than Wei ying, so he was engulfed in Wei ying's chest and Wei ying hugged back with his entire being.

Something was different about this hug. For the first time, Wei ying didn't feel guilty for holding Zi Shu in his arms. It felt lovely rather than restrictive.

"Finally you remembered me!" Zi Shu said in delight.

They both sat together and Zi Shu poured tea for both of them.

"Where's your lover?" Wei ying asked sipping the tea, looking around the house.

"Lao Wen? He left early today. He's busy with the preparations of the wedding." A pretty pink blush creeped on Zi Shu's cheeks as he mentioned Lao Wen.

Wei ying laughed softly at the love-sick puppy in front of him and then he straightened his back and said, "I need to tell you something important."

Zi Shu sensed the seriousness in Wei ying's tone and asked, "What is it?"

Wei ying could feel his blood pressure rising, temperature falling, sweat breaking out and his breath becoming shallow. But he had to do this! He thought of lan zhan, gained some strength out of the image of lan zhan in his head and started speaking.

"I- Umm, You know, like- how I, I- I mean... How I left the apartment, ab- abruptly and, and I moved out... well... all of that- I-I did to- beca- because I- I was trying to get over you." Wei ying said in a miserably broken tone and was waiting for Zi Shu to explode, but that never happened.

Zi Shu replied calmly, "I knew that."

This however caused Wei ying to panic-shout, "You- You knew! H- How? How can you- I- Never- how can anyone-did- did someone else tell- no but- I never told. How is this- how can it- its not possible-"

Zi Shu looked at Wei ying panicking and smacked the boy gently on the head with an exasperated expression that seemed to say 'it was obvious!

"Ah-Xian, we have lived together for years. I can practically read you like a book. I knew you started liking me in the first year of college. And I- I-" Zi Shu paused.

Wei ying was bewildered, Zi Shu knew all this time, and Wei ying noticed how he paused while speaking, so Wei ying softly whispered and prompted, "You what?" He sipped his tea to calm himself down.

Zi Shu heard Wei ying clearly. He swallowed the lump in his throat and said, "Well, I liked you back."

Wei ying promptly chokes, spitting out the tea in his mouth all over Zi Shu's face, and started coughing loudly.

Zi Shu cleaned his own face awkwardly and sat next to Wei ying and rubbed his back, "Easy Ah-Xian, easy."

Wei ying screamed, "Easy my! You-YOU-YOU-liked me back! Then why- Why did you never-?" Wei ying stopped himself from completing that question, as Zi Shu was getting married in a week.

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