Chapter 10

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Harry POV

I woke up with a pounding headache. I slowly opened my eyes, but everything was distorted, and blurry. I reached next to me for my glasses, and placed them on my face.

The lenses were shattered.

From what I could tell, I was in the Hospital Wing.

"Finally, you're awake. Here, let me fix that for you." Madam Pomfrey casted 'Reparo' on my glasses, everything soon clear. "Give me a moment, I'm going to get Draco, as he requested, if that's what you want, of course.

"Of course I do. Please bring him here."

She soon returned with my boyfriend, who immediately ran to me, sitting down next to me, and giving me a hug.

"Harry! Thank Merlin! How are you feeling?"

"I have a pounding headache, and my ribs feel broken, but other than that I feel fine."

"I'm so sorry!"

"It's not like it's your fault. But what happened? The last thing I remember was going out to play Quidditch when Marc Snyde came along with his gang."

"We found you on the bleachers unconscious, with a gaping head wound. Why were you up that early, anyway?"

"I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep, so I just went to practice Quidditch. I don't remember going to the bleachers, though."

"You said it was Marc Snyde, correct?" Madam Pomfrey was writing with a quill.


"Who does his group contain?"

"Himself, Gregory Goyle, and Asher Gray."

"Noted. They will be punished immediately. In the mean time, you'll stay here to heal for the next few days. Your injuries aren't major, you don't seem to have any concussion or brain damage. I believe you'll be fine."

"Hear that, Harry? You'll be just fine." Draco smiled and hugged me again.

"As for homework and meals, I'll have house elves bring you what you need. I'm going to check on other students, I'll let you know when visiting time is over." Then she left.

"Let's hope they get expelled." Draco grumbled.

"I'm fine, Draco. You heard it from Madam Pomfrey herself."

"But that doesn't mean it's okay. Do you even know why they did it?"

"Probably because they're homophobic assholes. They constantly beat me since they found out I was gay. I don't know how, only Ginny knew until I told you."

"Well, you know what? I'm thrilled you told me you're gay." He gently grabbed my chin, and kissed me in the loving way he does.

"You put on chapstick before coming, didn't you?"

"How'd you guess?"

"You're lips are soft and taste like vanilla." I licked my lips.

He laughed.

Then the door opened, to reveal Ron and Hermione, running our way.

"Is he okay?" Ron panted.

"I'm fine, Ron."

"Harry! Thank Merlin." Hermione breathed.

"And how do you know you're fine?" Ron looked at me skeptically.

"Madam Pomfrey herself said so."

"How long do you have to stay in the Hospital Wing?" Hermione asked.

"A few days, I don't know how long exactly."

"Who did this? Do you remember?"

"Marc Snyde, along with Goyle and Asher Gray."

"I'm gonna kill 'em!" Ron popped his knuckles.

"Not if Dumbledore expells them first. Madam Pomfrey told us she'd get him involved." Draco stated.

"We can only hope," Ron sighed.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation, but visitors must leave now. Harry needs his rest." Madam Pomfrey came walking past my bed, pushing my friends out, but let Draco give me a quick kiss before kicking him out, too.

(The next day)

"Harry! You won't believe this!" Draco ran into my room while I was eating lunch.

"What happened?" I said with a mouth full of food.

"Dumbledore expelled Marc Snyde! Gray and Goyle were only left with suspension, unfortunately."

"That's great!"

"Have you found out exactly how long you'll be in here?"

"A total of 4 days. I'll be let out Saturday."

Draco cheered while he sat down in a chair next to me.

"That's wonderful, Harry!" He kissed the spot on my forehead where I had been hit. "How are you feeling today?"

"I feel like I should already be able to leave. I don't know why I have to stay so long."

He smiled, as he grabbed my hand and caressed it with his thumb.

Hermione and Ron soon came in to talk about what had happened in classes so far, then it was time for the second half of classes.

And I was left alone once again.

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