Dark Clouds ☁️

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They couldn't see past the haze shrouding their eyes.


Hours have passed since Boss walked out on Noeul. The latter was currently at home, slumped down on the carpet in his living room with his phone in hand, typing message after message.

Boss, I'm sorry...

I can explain everything. Can we talk?

But each time, he didn't hit send because he couldn't find the right words to say and he wasn't sure if he could actually give Boss an acceptable explanation for his choices and actions. But he didn't want to not say anything either and just leave it the way things were.

Boss had never been angry with him before, despite all his antics and even after he disappeared like the wind five years ago, Boss had always been warm and reassuring. But the look in his eyes before he left earlier was that of pure hurt and betrayal.

Noeul didn't mean to hurt him. On the contrary, he only ever wanted to protect Boss from being dragged into his messed up world exactly because Noeul cared about him more than Stop or anyone else for that matter.

But now, Boss had the impression that he was less important and dispensable and Noeul couldn't stand that. He looked over to his side where Boss' jacket was draped on the table and Noeul reached for it like a lifeline and clutched it against his chest.


The morning after, Noeul came to the bar just in time, while only Boss was there and just before he was about to close up and leave.

Boss was visibly surprised to chance upon him but unlike other times, he gave Noeul the cold shoulder as he asked, "How did you know I'm here?"

Boss continued to pack his things, not even so much as glancing Noeul's way. Noeul expected this much but that didn't mean it didn't hurt especially coming from someone who was naturally kind and caring.

"I asked Nat." Noeul replied, timidly approaching the bar and placing a paper bag on the countertop. "I came to give back your jacket."

"Is that it? You didn't have to come here yourself for that." Boss heard himself say before he could think twice about it. He hated how cruel that sounded and how stubborn he was being but he was hurt—very hurt.

"Boss...about last night..." Noeul had so much he needed to say that he wasn't sure where to start and he struggled to collect his thoughts and put them into words.

Seeing this, Boss just wanted to put him out of his misery. "Don't push yourself; you don't have to explain to me. I'm the one who keeps forgetting not to overstep my boundaries. Just go back to your boyfriend."

At this, Noeul wrinkled his forehead confusedly. "Boyfriend? Are you talking about P'Stop?"

"Who else?" Boss asked back, thoughts of what that boy from four years ago told him about Noeul collecting men intruding in his mind against his will. "Are there others?"

Noeul was blank for a moment. He almost couldn't believe the words he was hearing. "Where is this coming from?" He questioned. "Is someone feeding you these things? Because the Boss I know would've never thought of that."

A wave of guilt washed over Boss after realizing that the thoughts he kept at the very back of his mind ended up slipping out of his lips but it was too late to take it back now.

"Maybe if you told me yourself, I wouldn't have to hear it from someone else."

And with both their emotions high, their intentions were just getting lost in translation.

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