"C'mon let me introduce you guys to everyone." Pieck grabbing Mikasas hand leading her away. "You go, I'll stay around," I said to Mikasa as she looked back at me. "You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm just gonna chill around here."

"Okay we'll meet back here at 2, may the one with the craziest story wins!" I rolled my eyes at her kiddish challenges.

I turned to go find somewhere sit before Porco stopped me, "Hey wait, sorry about earlier."

"It's fine, I told Mikasa at least someone would ask who we are."

"To be honest, when I saw you guys I was thinking to myself who is that girl, I've never seen her before. It caught my attention."

"Yeah, Mikasa usually draws the crowds attention. Every time I go out with her, at least 2 guys approach us for her number. Not that I'm complaining though."

"I was talking about you actually," Porco took me by surprise. "You caught more of my eye to be honest."

I nervously giggled not knowing what to say. I had no idea how to flirt. "Thank you, um, I don't know what to say."

"How about I get you a drink?"

"Um actually I don't really- okay sure." I stopped myself. It's a party after all...

"I'd like to watch you pour my drink though," the logical part of me kicked in. "Smart girl," he chuckled and I got a glimpse of his dimples.

I followed him to the kitchen and watched him pour me a cup of coke followed with Captain Morgan original spiced rum.

I swallowed the fizzy drink and it immediately burned my throat. I never had alcohol, so I was not used to the gross taste most people could easily down.

"So, I have a feeling you don't go to MU," he said referring to Marley University. "I think I would have noticed you by now."

"Can you keep a secret?" I asked as I continued to drink down my drink. Yeah I was definitely a lightweight. "I'm still in High school. I'm a senior at St. Regiment."

"Ahh, where Zeke and Pieck transferred to. You know, my highschool was actually rivals with yours," he said creeping up closer to me.

"It's never too late to sleep with the enemy." His hand made it's way to the left side of my waist.

"Pour me another drink first please."

He smiled, "I like the way you think."

"I got it." I looked up and saw Eren standing there???

Mikasa told me no one from our school would be here why was he even here it was a college party.


"Hey get off that!" Porco yelled at someone climbing up the staircase. "Hold on, I'll be right back." He walked away leaving me and Eren alone.

"Eren? What are you doing here? Do you know anyone from here?"

"I live here. The host is my half brother." My eyes widened. How did I go to high school with both of them and not know this. "Wait for real?? Zeke's your brother, how did I not know that?"

"Well maybe if you looked up from ur textbook once in a while you'd actually notice your surroundings. Seems like more people notice you then you notice them."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused what he meant by that. "Nothing clueless dummy."


"What are you doing here. I don't think I've ever seen you at a party ever. And why are you talking to porkey chops." I rolled my eyes at his cringe nickname.

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