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Entering the Great Hall for the first time in over three months, Draco wonders if this will be a good year or the worst year of his entire life. Everyone is looking at him like they could make him combust with just their eyes. Honestly, he wouldn't even be that mad if someone actually could. It would just be an easier way to get out of this hell. Though, that would be a shit way to start the school year for the others he supposes. Cleaning his entrails and goop from the castle walls. Though he guesses that the house elves would probably be good at cleaning up corpses at this point. 

If anyone could read his mind, he thinks he would be on the first train to St. Mungo's. It's not his fault he's so morbid, the last few years have shown him the true horrors of the human and wizarding race, so maybe he is just normal to have these thoughts at this point in his life. He really doesn't even know why he's here. He had gotten a letter asking him to come back for another year, something dubbed an 'Eighth Year,' for the unlucky class that didn't get the chance to finish their end-of-year exams last year because their school had been the spot of the massive shit-show that was Harry Potter ending Voldemort. He wonders what they had done with the body of that stupid snake-faced bastard. Did they burn him? Or just throw him in the Black Lake and let the giant squid eat him? Maybe the Centaurs took him and are using his body for some weird astrological reason? Anyway, he really doesn't care what they decided to do with the damn dictator/terrorist/snake-human hybrid thing. He's just glad that he doesn't have to deal with that ugly mug anymore. Other than striking fear into his heart when the stupid git looked at him, the no-nose thing was always making him queasy. What did the self-proclaimed Dark Lord do when he had a runny nose? Would it be a runny nose? Is it even possible if there is nothing there? Did it just drip down his face without any way to stop it? 

Maybe instead of thinking about the ridiculous idea of the snake-faced bastard having a runny nose (nostrils?), he should be paying more attention to where he is walking. As when he is thinking of the science of having no nose, he runs into none other than Ron Weasley and the rest of the Golden Trio is staring at him like he's insane. 

"Oi, watch where you're going ferret face," Ron Weasley says. Draco wonders what the Weasel would look like without a nose. It causes him to chuckle, unintentionally, of course, he would rather not think of the Weasel without a nose and how hilarious that would be. 

"What's so funny?" The Weasel shoves him to the side, Draco doesn't know if he should really explain or just be on his merry way. 

"If the old snake-faced no-nose-having bastard had a runny nose, would it still be called a runny nose? He didn't have a nose." 

The confusion adorning the Weasel's face is enough to make Draco's resolve crack and he is laughing loudly. If people thought he wasn't insane before, they definitely must now. 

"What the fuck?" Is the oh-so-eloquent reply from the redhead. 

"Runny holes?" Potter seems to pipe up unintentionally, it causes Draco to laugh loudly once again. He doesn't care if he is acting like he's completely off his rockers. 

"That seems about right, Potter." Draco points his finger towards the brunette who seems to be having a hard time covering up a small smirk. 

"Are you off your meds or something?" Weasel asks his face showing the most genuine concern Draco has ever seen directed at him. 

"Oh, believe me, I am definitely not. Might make things more interesting if I was though. Anywho, au revoir," Draco offers a salute and simply walks away towards the Slytherin table. He doesn't have to look back to know that the Weasel is staring at him like he's absolutely barmy. He really doesn't care. He doesn't have anyone to tell him how to act anymore. Good old dad is in Azkaban and his dear Mother is off somewhere in France at the moment. So, if he goes around acting like an absolute fool nobody is there to chastise him. He thinks that freedom is addicting. He doesn't have to be the perfect little Malfoy heir anymore, he can simply be Draco. 

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