5. Melanie/Elijah

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I open my eyes, my head pounding and my vision blurry. As I start to get my senses back I start to notice that my bed feels different, the walls look different. How did I even get home? I don't think this is my home, oh god what even happened last night?
I've never been that drunk the the point where I couldn't remember what happed the past night. I get off the bed and I struggle to my feet, I look down, who's shirt is this?
I start to take small steps out of the room, I am then led to a corridor, that could lead to a kitchen maybe?
I walk to the end of the corridor and peak my head round a wall and see a open planned kitchen with a marble island that had a man sat  at it, I instantly recognised them.
What is it with me bumping into him all the time? "Why am I here?" I question as he turns around to face me, while taking a sip from his coffee.
"You begged for me to take you here, you said you didn't want to go back to yours." As if I'd say that. "Why was I in your bed though? Did we-"  he replies before I could finish. "No, nothing like that happened don't worry." Phew. "Why am I in your shirt though?"
"What is it with all the questions? It's 8 in the morning give me a break." He says huffing. "Alright, calm down."
I walk up to a seat and see toast and eggs on the counter. "Are these for me?" He nods. "You're really not a morning person are you?" He ignores me.
"Rude." I mumble under my breath. I don't think he heard me but something tells me he did by the small smirk on his face, which faded when she saw me staring.
I hesitantly took a bite of the food and oh.my.god this is the best breakfast I've had in a long time and it's only eggs and toast. "You don't look like a guy that would actually cook something that tastes, nice." I say with a cocky grin.
"I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing."  He jokes as I let out a small laugh. I look up and once again my gaze met his, I looked away and he did the same.
I was trying to think about what happened last night, but it was like all my memories were wiped from my head.
"What even happened last night?" I ask taking a sip from my coffee. "Well, I saw you in your friends barely being able to stand nevertheless walk, so I decided to be a gentleman and give you all a lift home. You begged me to take you back to mine so I did."
"Oh my God, I was really that drunk." I say, rubbing my hands over my face.
"Oh, and also, you asked me why you were in my shirt it's because you threw up all over your dress and since I'm so lovely I gave you one of mine."
"Wow, and I was beginning to think you hated me." I say shocked. "And also for your information, you're not as lovely as you say you are." I say on the verge of laughing. He stared into my soul after I said that.
"You seem to be getting irritated by my presence, so after I sort myself out, I will leave you be." I say getting out of my seat.
"There will be no need because you're moving in." Huh, did I hear him right?
"What are you on about?" I say turning to him confused.
"Yeah, you're moving in." He repeats, I stand there in shock.

"I'm not supposed to be moving in yet!" Melanie exclaims. "You are moving in." I reply resisting the urge to shout.
"But I don't want to!" She exclaims once again. "Stop acting like a child, you were going to move in at one point and besides the moving trucks are already at your apartment to pick up your stuff." I probably shouldn't of called her a child, but oh well.
"I am not moving in just yet, and that is final. And I am not acting like a child!"
Yeah right. "You are moving in and that is final." I say sternly. "Why do you want me to move in?" Because you and irresponsible and I can't trust you to be on your own, if only I said that.
"Your parents asked me yesterday if you could move in earlier, and I couldn't exactly say no." Her hazel eyes were fixated on mine, awkward silence drew upon us as usual. " you're moving in whether you like it or not." I was expecting for her to fight back, but she didn't. She just stared at me, and I stared back.
"I'm going to work, I'll get my maid Selena to show you your room and give you a tour of the apartment" I say, breaking eye contact to grab my keys. "I'll see you when I get home." I say before slamming the door shut behind me.

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