Dominik: Let me do Nepotism

You: Why-Oh!

Dominik: You down for it?

You: Go ahead, Dom Dom

*You slowly back away to the side as Dominik takes a breath before bringing his microphone up to his lips and surprisedly, the crowd doesn't boo him that might be because you're with him, but doesn't put to much thought into it*

Dominik: Mami has allowed me to taken over

*You put your head down, hiding the blush that was creeping up your face as you just heard Dominik call you "Mami" for the first time ever*

Dominik: Nepotism. That's right, Vegas. I love my dad and I will never apologize for being part of one of the greatest legacy in WWE history..And whether you all like it or not at WrestleMania...I know that my dad isn't going to hold back..Well guess what? Neither am I!

*Dominik throws down his mic as the crowd cheers and boos. You put down your mic as Dominik sits on the middle rope, allowing you to step on the apron as you watch Dominik get off the apron first, allowing you to jump down with his help*

You: thanks

Dominik: your welcome

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