Also, I am wearing shoes, so even if I could charge via my feet, my shoes would have to be taken off. First now I realize the purpose of these plates, they are meant to keep us in place. Could this also be the only purpose of the plate in the mansion? Why make robots walk around at random if you just lock them still when they are left unwatched?

This platform that imprisons me is quite big, and square. It does not have that same smooth, attractive shape as the platform Damian had for me. These heavy, dark grey platforms in the shape of trapezoidal prisms were probably mainly intended for equally as uncanny military androids.

Suddenly, the door I did not notice opens, and a man wearing a suit and a pair of sunglasses enters the room, escorted by two soldiers. Seeing his optical shaders makes me realize just how bright it is in here. The two soldiers unlock my platform, then Eve's and then Sam's. They explain that we are called to a mandatory routined interrogation. I suggest that I should go first, since I have a little experience in dealing with authorities. This is said in a high frequency that the soldiers and the man in sunglasses should not hear. I do not think this has to be said since I am the most desired among us, and they seem to hear us anyway.

- They are communicating in an encrypted language! one of the soldiers tell the other two men, and then he and his uniformed cohort pull their guns out. The man in suit tells them to calm down, and he decides to take me first, not too much of a surprise. Right now I am lead to a promised, yet unknown fate by two soldiers, who are both probably more alerted than they would be if I would just be quiet.

We wander through a corridor that seems infinite. The soldiers walk behind me, uncomfortably close, while the man in suit goes in front of me and warns everyone that we are coming forth. Just like the soldiers, he speaks Tibetic.

- Dang robots, just had to falter on our side of the border, he says as we pass by a female colleague in this very narrow corridor. He does apparently not suspect that I understand his tounge, which I do clearly. Eventually, we reach an interrogation room, only I and the man in suit enter. The human in sunglasses asks me to sit down on a chair, and goes to sit down in front of me. Through the thin walls, I hear that two soldiers are still patrolling outside. These men must have really high thoughts about me, as they think I am up to something, as of yet, when they have me captured, all unarmed. I only exist at their mercy, they could have let me die and then dissect my body.

This room is small, maybe even smaller than the one in Watrine, the place whose name reminds me of the reason I even sit here now. Though I wonder if I would not have found myself here in any case, sooner or later. I am property of Damian Storen, so I am technically stealing myself, and I am stealing Sam too. Eve and Adam are stray, and if Fred would be seen as their curator he would have appeared to have given them to me as he rushed down to the basement to release MB-344013 - one gift I have less gratitude for than I probably should have. I would probably end up here sooner or later, because I did not stop building up my bad reputation after the incident in the small town of Watrine, I have probably committed at least a couple of crimes save what happened there. If I had not been arrested I would probably never have woken up again, and I would most likely have been destroyed by some ill-natured human outside the obligations of the authorities - except for the laws that do not protect us in any way.

The man in suit reads from a piece of paper, which is rather strange due to the low luminosity in the room, which I reckon as higher than the room in Watrine, but still not suitable for reading.

- So, Mister robot... PD? he begins, as though not entirely sure.

- PD-4001, I answer as neutral as I can. It is quite easy to be neutral when it comes to pronouncing one's alias.

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