Johnny Cade (1)

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"YOU PIECE OF GARBAGE!" your mother screamed at you in front of your older siblings who just sat there unfazed. You didn't flinch either, that's how you know this is a frequent routine. "YOU CAUSE ME NOTHING BUT PROBLEMS!" 

"FINE! THEN I'LL JUST LEAVE HUH? HOW ABOUT THAT? I know it would make you so happy..." you replied getting quieter. 

"That's always your solution! Hanging with those CURTIS BOYS and that little SCAMP JOHNNY! WHY WHEN YOU HAVE YOUR OWN FAMILY HERE!?" 


"WELL I NEVER ASKED TO HAVE YOU...yet here we are!" she said getting closer to you then raising her hand as if she was about to slap you. You flinched hard before your older brother held her back and you took off running out the house door. You heard her screaming and cursing at your brother to let her go and for you to get back there instantly.

You ran out the door about to take your usual hike to the Curtis's house before noticing Johnny on your concrete driveway. 

"Johnny?" You say grabbing his attention. You sat down next to him on the pavement as he gave you a little smile.

"Hey y/n, old folks givin' you trouble huh?" Johnny asked as you rolled your eyes at the thought.

"The old hag can't decide if she wants me dead or alive." You replied sighing then resting your head on Johnny shoulder while fidgeting at his leather jacket. You and Johnny had lived only one house apart from each other and had similar life styles. He had abusive and neglectful parents while you had an abusive mom and an absent dad. If you asked the neighbors what it was like living by you two they would describe the constant shouting, running away, and of course constantly seeing you and Johnny together. It was only a blessing that you two were founded by the Greasers or who knows where you two might've ended up by now.

You sat up and looked at Johnny, he looked back. God this man was just beautiful. Nice smooth tan skin, two pools of dark brown for eyes, and his greasy hair hanging in front of his face. 

"I see that scar is healing up real well Johnny." You said taking his face in your hand and examining it. 

"Yea I just had to stop messing with it that's all" he replied, his rosy cheeks lighting up as you touched him. 

When you finished you stoop and offered his hand. Once he stood up you motioned him to follow you, "C'mon Johnny let's get out of here." You said beginning to walk as he followed, running to your side and placing his hands in his pocket. It was to the point where Johnny never questioned whenever you took off, he just followed you like a lost puppy kicked too many times.

He stayed beside you walking with his head down and kicking any rock that was in his way. 

"So where we going?" Johnny asked knowing he'd be fine with whatever you said next. "To the Curtis's house, maybe for some dinner. I figure you haven't eaten anyway huh Johnny?" You asked as he shook his head. 

"Nah," he flipped his hair out of his face, "I could go for some food, I'm starvin" he finished. You giggled at the last time Johnny had said that and his stomach had let out a loud grumble. He was so embarrassed but little did he know you thought it was funny in a good way of course. 

Even though Johnny was shy he had seemed a bit more quiet than usual. This you noticed, it was almost as if Johnny had something on his mind. Last time he was like this and you had asked him what was wrong a couple times he had finally exploded like a mento in a coke bottle.

"Johnnycakes? Is everything ok?" You asked him as he looked at you with almost sorrow in his eyes. He sighed and took a breath for a moment. 'Surely he can't be too stressed,' you thought 'Or he probably would've gotten out a cigarette by now.'

He made sure to look at you while answering, "Y/n do you...ever think things will get better? I mean with all this abuse and all from our parents, from the soc's. Won't there ever be an end?" He asked kicking another rock further out in front of him. 

You hesitated and thought real long before answering. "If I'm being honest Johnny...I don't know..." you said as he looked back down to the ground in mere disappointment. "But that's not anything you need to be worryin' about right now anyways." You replied, even then you still looked back when you heard a car about to pass your street.

"You say that but I know you thought that was a couple of Soc's just now, didn't you y/n?" He replied as you stifled a cough in uncomfort. 

"Well...yea I guess," you replied, "But at the end of the day what can you really do about it Johnny? So yea we live in a dangerous part of Oklahoma with cheap lifestyles and screaming parents. But so what? You gonna let that hold you back all your life?" Your replied as he shrugged but listened, "But no one ever thinks about the good things we have going for us Johnny. We have a gang of people who care about us truly, we have roofs over our heads, enough food to survive." You stopped talking as Johnny let it settle in.

"Man maybe this is why I love you so much." Johnny replied as you blushed a little. "I love you too Johnny." You replied stopping for a moment to kiss him on the cheek. He wrapped you in his arms as you sighed and got comfortable before hearing fast footsteps approaching you two.

"Hey Johnny, hey y/n!" Pony had said before you and Johnny had jumped away in shock. Pony had smirked looking pleased with what he did.

"What's up Pony?" Johnny replied as you waved shyly. 

"I figured you'd two be over right about now so I decided to come and see. The food's ready by the way, we're having meatloaf and chocolate cake. Lots of chocolate cake." Pony grinned.

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