chapter 2

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"so harry is that champion" hermione said quietly

"he is, but not here, we have learned long ago this world is a lost cause, we have with help begun preparations for you our champion to leave this world, and enter one more worthy of our power, unless you wish to stay here" fawkes said knowingly

"no i can't stay here" i said

"harry" hermione chastised

"look around you hermione, look at my life, just in hogwarts alone, my life was chosen for me, remember when you asked me if i was going out to die, when i left the castle" i asked

"i lied, i did just that, all apart of dumbledore's grand plan" i said

"WHAT" hermione said

"you must understand miss granger, i tried, i tried so hard to find another solution, and i regret i could not" dumbledore's portrait spoke

"i was a horcrux" i said her eyes widened

"neither can live while the other survives" she muttered

"exactly" i said

"if you accept, you will be given a choice, i cannot force you to do anything, i am just a fancy bird, but i can give you a gift for agreeing" fawkes said

"what gift" i asked

"did you keep the stone" she asked i held out it and she took it in one of her talons allowing for a single tear onto the stone, there was a bright flash of light before dobby stood alive and well, though the elf was mightily confused, he decided it didn't matter really quickly when he saw harry

"hello harry potter sir" he said happily

"phoenix's are beings of resurrection, you have seen me rise from the ashes many times, with right catalyst we can do the same for anyone who has died within the last year, so long as they didn't die of old age, sirius black is not dead, he has simply found himself in another universe, the gateway is unfortunately only one way, though i know where we are going and can guide you" fawkes explained

"alright, fine, now what" i asked

"call your elf" fawkes said i looked at her confused for just a moment before understanding

"kreature" i called

"master calls for kreature" kreature said

"dobby please fetch for the female, i think you know which i speak of"

"yes, miss phoenix ma'am" dobby said enthusiastically as he apparated with a pop, a moment later he returned with winky

"you will need help, and house-elves are the best form of help you can find" fawkes said

"hermione" i said looking towards her, worried how she'd react

"go ahead harry, i know you will treat them right, and you will need their help wherever you are going" hermione said

"alright kreature how do i bond with a house-elf" i asked

"you place your wand on the elf's head and your pour your magic into the elf" i said

"fawkes is there a way the sword can turn back into my wand" i asked

"will it so" fawkes replied i nodded as i willed my wand to revert back to it's wooden form i then walked up to the two elves

"may i claim you into my family" i asked dobby was nodding very enthusiastically, as was winky who was very happy to receive a new master

"harry potter, would want a bad elf like winky" winky asked uncertainly

"of course i would want you, your not a bad elf, you are a great and loyal elf and i would be honored to have you" i said for the first time in a long time she smiled, i started with dobby as i placed my wand onto his head, a moment later there was a small glow and then dobby was wearing a butler style suit, my eyebrow raised as i repeated the process the same thing happened as winky was now dressed as maid, and just to see what would happen i did the same for kreature who was also now wearing a suit

"huh, better then the rags you were wearing" i said

"elves, prepare your master for a long trip he will not be returning pack what he needs" fawkes ordered as the elves snapped to it and got to work

"alright now what" i asked

"now we wait for your elves i would recommend in the meantime, enjoying this time you have to relax" fawkes said

"alright then, hermione, i am going back to the dorm, i want an actually comfortable bed to sleep on for the night" i said

"alright harry, i'm gonna see if i can't help the elves in their preparation by gathering a few books for you" she said

"hermione if you could go to the room of requirement and find, the prince's potions book that would be great" i said she frowned but nodded, she understood, that if harry was brewing potions he would need the extra intuition, especially since severus snape was a fine potions brewer, even if he was a crappy teacher

harry true to his word, went straight to his old dorm collapsed on his old bed and passed out

when he awoke he came down to find the common room had quieted from all the celebrations, hermione was up and waiting for him

"hey hermione" i said

"hey harry" she replied sadly, she held out a book and i took it from you

"snape's potions book as requested" she said

"thanks hermione" i said she shrugged

"if you are well rested, we will need to make a trip to gringotts bank" fawkes said

"i am not sure that is wise" i said

"even if it is not it must be done" came fawkes reply i sighed

"she's right even if i don't want to admit it, all of my and sirius's money is in there money i will probably need" i said

"indeed, and we will need their service to change it all into american money" fawkes said

i sighed but nodded

"i don't think coming with me is a great idea" i said

"in this case you are probably right yeah, your a more important client the i am by a wide margin, they may just let you off with a fine, though i doubt it" hermione said with a worried look on her face

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