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Mahri's POV:

"It has been more than I would have expected. He is unbelievable. He knows just how to drive me wild...Yes, a lot more adventurous, the things he says and how he lowers his voice to say them, turns my stomach into butterflies. I can not resist him...I am doomed and that is part of the problem. Wait, let me text you, he may come back inside any minute and I don't want him to hear."

I move to the couch, closer to the fire, missing the warmth that he brings to my life. The thought of the last few days makes me grin, well, more than grin, It makes me smile from ear to ear. He is a wonderful secret that I am lucky enough to get to know. He not only treats me with so much love and respect, but he also pays attention to all of the things that I whisper> He seems to know what I need without asking. He makes me laugh and great happiness and peace.

I have been amazed at how easily our worlds melded over the last few days. I love waking up to the smell of coffee, knowing that I was the first thing that he thinks about when he wakes up as he is mine. I love falling asleep and feeling safe and warm, trying to make him feel my love as we fall asleep tangled up with each other.

I also love his intuition in the area of a scandalous nature. When he gets in the bedroom, he can be gentle and incredibly loving and the next moment, turn into a dominating presence, controlling our movement, pacing, and ultimately our satisfaction. I trust him. In the past, I always had to have some form of control, with him I can be free to enjoy the lovely things he wants to show me. His hands move across my body as if I am a precious treasure one moment and the next, he becomes more desirous, grappling and taking my body as if I am his prey. It is the perfect amount of gentleness and desire.

He is the perfect mix of a love that is perfect and holy and dangerous and completely sinful. I am lost to it and to him.

I love him in so many ways. He is right, though, we are going to have to figure some things out before the fears of the past threaten the happiness of all of our tomorrows.

This is why I absolutely need to talk to Jessy. She has the words that I need to hear and will tell me the right move to make.

I pull the blanket up over my lap and settle in. I have a feeling this conversation may last a while.

Mahri: Ok, now I can talk freely. Well, I can text freely. If I hang up expectedly it is because he has returned and I have a promise to fulfill.

Jessy: Do I want to know what the promise is?

Mahri: Probably, but I am not going to tell you. :)

Mahri: I need your advice.

Jessy: Where do we start?

Jessy: So, you should be happy that you two have shared these last few days and that you can't resist him. This is what you want right?

Mahri: I am incredibly happy. So much so that I don't know what I will be like when the world returns to normal.

Mahri: I have just gotten used to our life here together.

Mahri: I think I have really screwed things up for myself.

Jessy: What do you mean by you screwed things up for yourself?

M: I have just felt, for the past few days, that this is where I belong. In this house, with him. When life goes back to normal, there will be many days that I won't see him. He travels and I work weird hours. I don't know if I can go back.

Jessy: What are you saying exactly?

Mahri had the feeling that her friend knew exactly what she was saying, but she also knew that she had to be able to admit it in order to push the fear aside. Jessy was making her come to terms with her own thoughts.

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