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"You know what, you could've stayed home. I would've been better at solving this case all by myself, [m/n]." William told the shorter, a smirk on his face as if telling the other, 'I'm better at everything anyway'.

"THAT'S RIDICULOUS. I'LL KICK YOUR ASS IF YOU SAY SOME STUPID FUCKING SHIT LIKE THAT AGAIN." The latter, now known as [m/n], shouted at William, losing his temper.

"You can't even if you wanted to so badly do it. You wouldn't hurt me, would you?"

Only silence filled the air after that question.

"That's what I thought, now come along, we still have places to be" The blonde said to the fedora wearing detective.

"WAIT I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU YET, YOU DUMB ASS BLONDIE." The other yelled at the man ahead of him, running to catch up because of his short ass legs (IMAGINE 💀).

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