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-Aria pov-

It was the end of July, when our three Hogwarts letters came, with the results of our OWLs. We set up a day with father to take the three of us. My exam results were good I passed them all, only two Os in Defense and potions. Herbology, beasts class, history, and charms were all Es. All the rest were As, divination and magical theory and transfiguration. Ominis had taped his wand to the parchment and it read the results out loud for him to hear. He passed then all too. Sebastian passed most of them, the only exception was divination where he got a P. But he didn't seem to mind too much. He had taken ancient runes and he got a O which surprised him most.

We had decided on the first weekend of August to visit Diagon Alley, now I haven't been here, I bought my supplies in Hogsmeade when I got to school, that's where I went with Sebastian and he showed me around and we fought that troll. I think back at it, I sigh, feels like ages ago now. So I was excited to have them escort me around Diagon Alley this time. Father promised to stay in the Leaky Cauldron and wait for us.

When the day arrived we all flooed to the Leaky Cauldron, we departed with father and the boys take me around the Alley. We were walking around and they take me to Flourish and Blotts bookshop. Excited I grab Sebastian's hand and drag him with me to a bookcase of books about ancient magic. I grab one off the shelf and flip through it. Sebastian picks up one and looks through it.

"So can we get what we came in here for now?" He asks me after some time.

"Oh, you're right sorry, got distracted"  I say shyly.

"That's alright, let's go" he says and I follow him to the school texts.

We pick out what we need and got to pay for them I even got the book on ancient magic so I can keep learning about it. We met back up with Ominis on the line to checkout.

"Where were you two?" He asks.

"She dragged me away to the ancient magic books" Sebastian says. "Sorry"

"Not at all" he says.

Our next stop was the Apothecary, to pick up new potion ingredients. We took a look around Madame Malkins Robes for all Occasions, we looked around Quality Quidditch Supplies none of us are particularly that into the sport, but it's was fun to look around at the brooms and robes.  When we got all our supplies, we go to Sugarplums Sweetshop to get some chocolate frogs and other candies, and lastly we go to Fortecuse's Ice Cream Parlour. I buy the raspberry fiz flavor, Sebastian got the chocolate forest fudge and lastly Ominis got the butterbeer ice cream.

"So I've received a letter from Anne the other day, she didn't say much, but that she's alright and staying up north" Ominis tells us, but I feel it was directed towards Sebastian more.

"Oh, why did you write her?" He asks.

"Well I last wrote her to wish her a happy birthday and she didn't reply back until a few days ago, but she's still mad at you I gather, no matter how much I try I'm sorry. I really am trying to help you, you both" he says to Sebastian.

We finish our ice cream and we find my father and we all floo home. Today was a great day, mother had supper ready for when we arrived back, the boys ate and went off to their room, and I brought my supplies to my room and stash them into my trunk. The boys seemed down, on the way home and during supper. Maybe I should check up on them. I walk up to the door, and I hear arguing or a loud discussion. I'm about to knock when the door swings open and Ominis walks into me.

"Oh I'm so sorry" he says.

"I'm sorry too I was just about to knock" I say.

"I wouldn't if I were you, Sebastian's in a mood" he tells me.

"I'll be alright, thank you Ominis" I tell him and he walks around me and continues down the stairs wand pointed out. I walk in into the room.

"Sebastian? Sebastian, Ominis said you were in a bad mood, I was wond—" I say but cut myself off when Sebastian walks out of the bathroom without his shirt on, and I got distracted.

"You were what?" He asks.

"What?" I say.

"You alright?" He asks. I shake my head to clear my head.

"Yeah, I'm alright, I was wondering what was wrong you boys seemed down and I wanted to know if there was anything I could do to help" I say as he puts a shirt on and now I'm able to focus.

"Oh no need to worry about me. Ominis already gave me the third degree so you don't have too" he tells me.

"Well since I'm not sure what's wrong, there's no way I can, is there anything I can do to make you feel better" I ask anyway. 

"No I'll be alright, I appreciate it though" he tells me. 

"Alright if you're sure, I'll be going off to bed now, good night" I say offer him a warm smile and leave the room.

My heart is still racing from seeing Sebastian without his shirt it's like it's engraved into my brain and my eyes, it's all I can see. Those eyes I was looking at while talking to him. Why am I thinking so heavily about this. It's not like I'm— I catch myself before I can even think about that possibility. No I couldn't possibly—

But no matter how hard I try to not think about it, that image of him is still on my mind. I've tried to read, tried to write letter to my other friends, but nothing could take my attention away from my thoughts of Sebastian. Merlin this is going to make the rest of the summer unbearable.

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