11. I'm Called What?!

Start from the beginning

It was strange but usually I and Dad had conversations which to any normal person would seem like two fellow-aged people could have.

He didn't say anything and I took that as my agreement.

"What about me?" I asked and he looked at me.

"What about you?"

"What part of me stands out the most?"

He was silent for a moment as his eyes observed me, I genuinely wanted to know what he thought about me. What things about me he didn't like, what things he did like, I wanted to know.

"You're skinny." He said and I closed my eyes to hide my rolling of eyes. I kinda saw that coming.

"Yet, you're more mature than your sister," he added making me open my eyes.

He wasn't looking at me anymore.

"You keep showing up and try to do things that your sister doesn't."

"There should be some differences between us. If we're too much alike you'll get bored of us." I said and took a sip of my tea.

It was the Lippe tea.

I heard Dad mutter something but I couldn't hear it clearly.

"Pardon?" I asked but he didn't say anything and just stared off in the space.

The next morning, Athy dragged me to the kitchen, she had complained me that someone was stealing her chocolates and I instantly knew who the culprit was.

"Let's go see, Papa!" She decided and I sighed.

"Athy, cut down on your sweets. I won't heal your cavities all the time." I said but if she listened to me then she wasn't Athy.

We got Felix and were just heading to Dad for the afternoon tea when we ran into someone who even now made me feel like laughing.

"Ah! It's Mr. White." Athy cheered and I turned away to hide my laughter.

This time the white haired fool noticed me first since I was taller than usual and maybe because my gaze was just like Dad's.

"Mr. White, paw!" I almost burst out laughing.

"That was epic, Athy!" I spoke in her head and she giggled as Roger Alpheus gave his hand in hers.

"My Lady, my name is Roger Alpheus."

"What a good boy! You did so well!" Athy patted his head making me want to do it too.

"Oh, I want to do it too!" I announced making Roger look down at me.

"Princess..." He sighed and Felix smiled.

"It's kind of alright, since Princess Amara usually pets everyone's heads, including His Majesty's."

That was a fact, but for Dad I only touched his head when I would be putting him to sleep.

Roger's eyes almost went round when he heard that and then looked down at me.

"Then... It'll be an honour, My Princess."

Honour, my ass!

He crouched down on his knee before me and I reached out and touched his white hair.

"Oh..." I was surprised at how soft they were.

"You hair is quite soft and fluffy, Sir Roger. You must take great care of it, by not eating sweets."

Roger stood back up as I was done and then he looked at both me and Athy.

"Princess Amara and Princess Athanasia, is there anyone around that can serve as your companion? I worry you may get lonely." He said with a kind looking smile and I rolled my eyes.

I'm The Princess's Twin?! (Lucas X OC)Where stories live. Discover now