Chapter two

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Once their lessons for the day had finished Rhaella was surprised to see her brothers and uncle walking up to herself and Aemond with grins on their faces.

"Aemond, we have a surprise for you." Aegon wraps a arm around the waist of Rhaella and the neck of Aemond. Immediately the to struggle to get out of his reach, Rhaella punching his side giving her just enough time to get out of his clutch. Aemond was not so lucky.

"What is it?" Aemond asked skeptical, based on the grins on the boy's face Rhaella knew they were up to something.

"Something very special." Lucyrce adds in, they even got Rhaella's baby in on it. Then he runs away to go get whatever the surprise is.

"You two are the only ones of us without dragons." Aegon starts, Rhaella rolls his eyes while Aemond replies "Indeed."

"Well we felt badly about it, so we found the both of you a dragon of your own." Aegon finishes.

"But how? There are only three unclaimed dragons and they are all wild." Rhaella questioned, raising a brow at her brother Jace as Aemond face lit up with false hope.

"The gods provide." Was all Aegon said. As the group waited for Luke to come back with the "dragons". To only the shock of Aemond, Luke comes back with a pig in one hand and a sheep in the other both with wings attached to their sides.

"Behold the pink dread and the whitefyre." The three all say at the same time, then laugh as if their prank was funny.

"How do you boys think mother would feel if she found that the two of you were terrorizing your sister and uncle." Rhaella questioned her brothers in a low voice which quick got them to be silent and stare at the ground.

Now what Rhaella did next she knew she wasn't meant to and would likely get in trouble but she acted in the moment. She fiercely walked toward Aegon a struck him on his cheek. It wasn't enough to truly hurt him but the slap did have him scrambling to get away followed by her brothers. But when she looked back to confront Aemond knowing that their prank truly hurt him he was gone. But after hearing a roar from deep inside the dragon pit she knew exactly where he was.

Running as fast as her legs could take her Rhaella searched for Aemond only to find him on the floor scrambling to get away.

"Aemond are you crazy?" She shouted pulling him up to his feet and gripping his hand as they ran.

"They made a mockery of me Rhaella don't you understand? It may not bother you to not have a dragon but for me it does. And you very well could have a dragon of your own very soon."Aemond explained once the two hand finally made it to safety walking up the hill out of the deep pits.

"You will have a dragon Aemond, we both will. We just have to be patient. And even if I were to get a dragon I wouldn't treat you differently." Rhaella spoke softly giving his hand a squeeze. They both smiled as they walked up the hill hand in hand, but their happiness was very short lived when they came face to face with a guard.

"So I am to understand that the two of you snuck into the dragons pit." Rhaenyra yelled at her daughter. Aemond and Rhaella had been taken to their parents chambers to be handled, Rhaella could only wish that Aemond was getting in less trouble than she was.

"I was also informed that you stuck Aegon. Gods be good, Rhaella you are in line to inherit the iron throne. Such behavior is not to be tolerated." Stressed Rhaenyra held her hand to her temples.

"I apologize mother but they were-" Rhaella started but was cut off.

"That is no excuse, go to you chambers and make good with you siblings you scared them half to death." Rhaella rolled her eyes as she walked out, of course her brothers could do no wrong in her mothers eyes.

Going straight to her chambers and closing the door behind herself Rhaella through herself onto her bed. She sat like that for a while, pondering about her mother when her father knocked on the door but he wasn't empty handed. Her held the cradle that would hold her dragon egg.

"You mother told me what happened." Leanor reported taking a seat next to his daughter on the bed.

"She's so infuriating, she would even hear my reason why." Rhaella put her head on her dad's shoulder, his warmth was always enough to calm her.

"Well enlighten than, why?" Her dad ask's genuinely listening to what she has to say.

"They were making a mockery of Aemond and I. Laughing because we are without dragons as if we could control it." Rhaella explained her father nodding his head in response.

"Well I don't think striking the kings son was the right response. Not that I wouldn't have done the same, he's a arrogant ass." Leanor laughed along with his daughter then got up.

"Well my little sea snake I have something to attend to but know that I will speak to you mother and brothers." He told as he closed the door behind him.

The sun was beginning to go down, Rhaella knew that she would soon meet with Aemond bring a smile to the girls face. Maybe she did have some slight feelings for the boy but she could never admit it to anyone. She walks over to her dragon egg that is still yet to hatch as it stays heated. A lovely egg with deep purple scales that faded into a a black. She prayed to the gods that the egg would hatch and that she would have to be without a dragon for much long but a part of her had hoped that the egg never hatched so she could have one more thing in common with her uncle.

In the dead of night when she was sure no one else was awake Rhaella snuck from her bed chambers. She had done it many times before memorizing the schedule in which her guards switched with gave her a window large enough to get to the library without being seen.

Entering Rhaella was meant with her familiar wavy haired uncle he turned around with a book in his hands making eye contact with Rhaella. "Ah your here I was beginning it worry. This is the book I was telling you about during our lesson." Passing the book into her hands, his cold fingers lingering longer than they should have as the both took a seat.

As she flipped through the pages she looked up noticing how uneasy Aemond look. "Aemond what the matter?" She questioned

"I have a idea a terrible but great idea." He started. "But your not going to like it, until we get there."

"Well now I have to hear this terrible but great idea." Rhaella said closing the book a standing to her feet Aemond was quick to follow.

"We should go back to the dragon pits-" He was cut off my Rhaella who was quick to speak her mind.

"No Aemond, we just got a earful for that. We shouldn't do it again, we will have dragons one day even if it isn't today." Rhaella rolled her eyes going to turn around when Aemond spoke again.

"Not we, you. We are going to get you a dragon."


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