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   Bugs slowly approached the couch where you were sat as you attempted to position yourself more so upward in his presence to seem less frail and sickly.

"Sorry for not checking in as soon as I got here I just had to deal with the groceries, You feelin' okay?"

Bugs said awkwardly leaning on Daffy's arm chair looking over at you.

"Don't apologize! I'm okay yeah, my headache has been pretty mild today.."

You chuckled cautiously, painstakingly slowly attempting to rise to your feet, which made Bugs flinch anticipating you'd fall.

"I've just been napping on and off all day so it's-"

"What happened to your leg?"

Bugs cut you off, pointing at your bruised and somewhat swollen knee. You paused looking down at it, in all honesty forgetting it even happened.

"Oh. Well I got up too quickly and fell into the table, it's okay Daffy put some ice on it I'm fine"

You shrugged it off bending down slightly to touch it then looking back at Bugs.

"You fainted? Why didn't you call me?"

"Oh god no I didn't faint- I just lost my balance, and really it's okay Daffy was here, you don't have to worry"

You brushed him off walking toward him more to engage a little better with the conversation.

"Daffy- actually helped?"

Bugs paused, unable to hide his shock that Daffy was actually being somewhat considerate.

"Yeah, I mean I'm sure it's just so he wouldn't get in trouble with you.. but hey! He was actually being pretty sweet"

You smiled pausing, before letting your smile qucikly fade looking back at Bugs unable to hide your concern once again.

"Uh, but aside from that I was gonna ask.. is he okay?"

You asked slowly as Bugs expression flinched a little.

"What made it seem like he wasn't ok?"

Bugs cringed, trying to figure out how much he really needed to tell you about Daffy's situation.

"He didn't tell you? I thought that's why he called, he was shaking like crazy and completely freaked out on me, does he get bad panic attacks or what?"

You said oblivious to the actual situation at hand as Bugs was able to let out a soft sigh of relief he didn't have to sit and explain things to you.

"Uh, yeah. He does. That's what he said over the phone. Just wanted know how he was doin' here. Mind if I go ahead and take care of him now?"

Bugs said tensing his shoulders awkwardly putting his hands in his pockets and looking toward the stairs as you moved right out of his way.

"Yeah of corse- can you let me know how he's doing after..?"

You paused as Bugs began to walk away from you. Stopping to reply.

"Yeah, of corse I will"

He nodded slowly pausing, taking a breathe once again to continue talking.

"Uh, I was thinkin I could drive ya home tonight.. and.. either get me or Lola to stay with you overnight? You probably don't wanna be here much longer.. right?"

He proposed nervously as you felt a sudden wave of anxiety rush over you for a reason you really couldn't grasp.

"I shouldn't have been so pushy about babysittin' and keeping you captive here, still want someone checking on you but I should really just let you go home"

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