Începe de la început

"What do you want from us, Zero?" Fugo asked, the first, as always, to read the situation.

"I'd say it's more a matter of what you want from me," Zero replied. "You clearly came here with a plan in mind. Why not let it wind its course?"

Narancia whipped his head toward you, looking as lost as anything. You swallowed past the lump in your throat, trying to think of something but coming up empty.

Zero laughed at the expression on your face. He leaned back in his seat with a sigh. "Captain, please don't misunderstand the situation here. I don't have all evening to watch you flounder. You have just stolen the most valuable item in my collection to date. You've disrupted a banquet months in the making and threatened the security of various high-profile dealers and vagabonds throughout the galaxy. I should report you. More than that, I should kill you for having the audacity to galavant around my boat as though you own the place. So please, tell me what you're doing here and give me even one reason as to why I should keep you alive?"

Perhaps the scariest thing about Zero was how well he had his facade in place. The coy smile didn't leave his lips, his voice stayed smooth as chrome. Nothing could have indicated that he was upset, or that he had just threatened to off your crew.

Just who were you dealing with here?

"Give us a job." The words came not from you but Trish. She raised her chin, Upper Space haughtiness on max level. "We're here because we want a job from you. I think we've more than proved ourselves."

Zero canted his head. "A job?"

"That's right," Mista said. "We stole your damn brick phone like it was nothing. There isn't flack in the galaxy we wouldn't be able to steal."

"You must know about Stands, right?" Narancia asked. "Well we've got 'em. All five of us. Think of what we'd be able to do with that kind of power."

"We've never failed a job before," Fugo said quietly. "You'd be hard-pressed to find anyone more capable."

It was like the crew had stolen the words right from your mouth. Stars, if you pulled through, you'd take them all out for drinks.

"Us stealing the Nokia was for you to see just how we operate," you said. "You can trust us to get things done, and with our Stands, even the trickiest security is child's play. You'll never get another crew like us. We've been on the low for way too long. We're ready to make our comeback, and that could be with you, Zero. Whatever you want stolen, it'll be in your hands."

Zero allowed a moment for the words to settle. You almost believed you'd convinced him when he asked mildly, "Who do you think you are? Are you so delusional that you think you're the best thieving crew in the galaxy? Do you know how many times Inspector Abbacchio has detained you? The reputation you've garnered? Yes, you deliver, but you have no respect for your clients or anyone you work with. You think you're untouchable, when really, we're just too tired to deal with you. Just look how easily I caught you today."

"We're only here because we haven't tried to escape," Mista said, and something in his tone made you want to kiss him. "Mr. Zero, if we wanted to escape, and if we wanted to hurt you, you wouldn't be sitting there all pretty."

Suddenly the air in the room seemed to shift. It was less about Zero against you, but the five of you against Zero. In that situation, who would be more likely to win?

"There you are," Zero whispered. "I was wondering when I would meet the real Passione."

Zero rose from his seat. He walked deliberately to the back of the room, stooping to take something before returning to place it in front of you on the coffee table. When he tapped it, a projection illuminated the air.

KISMET ─  vento aureo.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum