The only difference was that her ship was bigger to accommodate her other belongings and necessary ship systems.

Crowama walked over towards the ship's control and input the coordinates to the fashion planet of the shopping system.

"Whole planets dedicated to commerce..." Kurama murmured as he watched the map on the screen. "Amazing."

"Oh that's nothing. We have planets for school." Crowama stepped back from the computer and got comfortable in the pilot's seat. Another seat rose up from a bottom panel for Kurama to sit in as well.

"And all that hidden from Earth?"

Crowama shrugged her shoulders. She didn't have an explanation for that. Earth just wasn't as advanced. "A whole demon dimension was hidden from Earth that can be accessed on Earth."

Kurama had to give her that. "Fair point. Not to mention Spirit World."

Crowama leaned forward and placed her elbows on her knees. "You really can't return to either of those?"

"Not that I was ever allowed on Spirit World, but ever since Demon World changed their ways, I had to choose." Kurama responds. His eyes were on Crowama but really, he was looking past her.

"You never said wether or not if you can still change into a demon. You still have some of your powers."

Kurama inwardly sighed. "Remember how when we met our daughter in the future?"

Crowama furrowed her brow. "Yes but—"

"And she had silver hair?"


"I told you that I'd explain why that is later."

Crowama looked at him expectantly, waiting for the answer. After no response, she glanced sideways and back again. "... Is it later now?"


Crowama took the ship off autopilot and opted to drive it herself. "You're killing me with suspense."


Once they had landed on the planet, Kurama had to be led by hand so that he wouldn't get lost.

Or rather, that's what Crowama decided for him. It was just an excuse to hold his hand, not that he would object.

There were many stores, most of their signs in languages that Kurama couldn't read. There were also various aliens in all shapes, colors, and sizes. Some of them he recognized as same race as some of Crowama's friends.

"This way," Crowama pulled him aside in front of the bridal shop. In the window was the dress she wanted. "There it is..."

An employee came and took down the display.

"Wa— wait a minute!" Crowama yanked in Kurama's arm as she hurried inside. "That's my dress!"

Kurama cleared his throat and spoke softly. "Technically it's not..."

"Well it will be!" Kurama could feel her hand tighten around his. "Who's buying that dress?"

A girl around their age with long dark blue hair raised her hand shyly. "Are you one of Lum's friends by any chance?"

Crowama narrowed her eyes. "How did you know?"

"Just a hunch." the girl walked over to pay for the dress.

"Hold it!" Crowama commanded, urging her to stop. "Who are you?"

The girl turns around, her blue hair flowing with the movement. "My name is Diana. I am going to marry my dear Yuni."

"Well my name is Kurama, and this is my fiance Kurama!" she held up their hands as he stayed silent. Best to let her handle it. "And you... Have my dress."

"And just what do you plan on doing about it?"

"This!" Crowama pulled out her leaf, only to be stopped by Kurama holding her arm. "Hey!" She glared at him, angry that he would dare stop her.

"I know you want that dress, but there are better ways of handling things." Kurama slowly let go of her, confident that she would heed his warning. "Diana," he looked at her. "Would it be possible for you to pick another dress?"

Diana huffed. "No."

"I see... Kurama?" he looked at his fiance.

"Don't even ask. There's no way I'm letting that dress leave the store in anybody's hands but mine."

"Very well." Kurama pulled a rose from his hair and held it out. "How about this. Each of you pluck a petal. Whoever picks the last petal gets the dress. Sound fair?"

Diana pouted. "But I got here first! I'm not playing for something that's rightfully mine!"

Kurama shrugged slightly. "She will most definitely fight you for it. Pick your poison. Her way or my way? "

Diana sighs, the answer was clear. "Your way..."

"As courtesy, you go first

All three of them stand in the middle of the boutique as Crowama and Diana pick rose petals.




Tensions were high. At least for the two brides to be. Beads of sweat formed on their foreheads. As the petals were reduced the answer became more clear of who the winner would be.

Diana winces as she drew the second to last petal, leaving Crowama to have the last one. The crow princess jumped for joy. "Yes!" she squeaked. "Haha! In your face!" She ran up to the cashier. "Give my my dress!"

Diana sulked and searched for a replacement dress while Crowama paid for hers.

Together the Kuramas leave the store content.

What Kurama was not going to tell her was that he specifically let Diana go first due to the number of petals. He knew that she was going to get that dress.

Enter Kurama! Romance of the Century | YYH x UYOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant