Summer house

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𝙂𝙞𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙋𝙤𝙫

I sat I my room as my family got ready to go to Susannah's summer house. And you might be wondering why I'm not packing up to go as well, well I have a gymnastics competition. You see I wanted to do volleyball first but Belly staked claim on the sport first so I couldn't argue, but I enjoy and also I'm good at gymnastics.

Waiting back until the end of my competition would be when I'd leave. I went to the door, and Laurel yelled at me, "Hey, Anna put the bags in the car," I did as she said cause I didn't want to hear her mouth. She didn't care to say my actually name cause it reminded her of my dads betrayal. You might wanna know why she took in the bastard child, because my mom died during child birth, so she felt bad.

As they pulled off I released a breath I was holding. I packed and went to my gymnastics  competition.When I arrived I stretched my muscles and I was really nervous until I got a call. I didn't look at the caller Id.


"Hi, sweetie" I looked at my phone to see it was Susannah.

"Su! hi"

"Your family got here, and I know you got that big competition and I wanted to wish you luck," I almost cried.

"Thanks I really needed that," I smiled

"Of course Gia, love you and see you later," I said goodbye and before I could put my phone down I got another call. 

"Hey sweetie"

"Hi dad"

"good luck"

"thank you," and then I hung up. I looked down at my phone and saw Jer texted me a good luck, and I smiled at that. But before I could respond my coach told me its my turn.


I can't believe I won, my best friend Marnie road back to my house with me. "Hey I can't wait to come down later," she smiled as she help put my things in a suitcase. "Don't know how I'll manage, but at least I'll have Shayla." 

Shayla and I had been friends for about 7 years, we met in cousins when I 10 and she was 9. And we've been friends ever since. "Oh, yeah tell her I say hi"

"Of course," I then went into my closet and changed into something comfortable.

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