All My Headcannons & If I Still Agree With Them

Start from the beginning

Artemis is a germaphobe.—100%. He has clean boy vibes. 

When Shino is being stubborn, Rikku, Shizu, Clover, and Iris threaten to show Artemis pictures with him in his Chibi Coven outfit.—95%. Only reason this isn't 100 is because I think Shino might just give up trying to hide them from Artemis at some point-

In any picture with Shino, he's putting up a peace sign.—100%. Basic but classic.

Rikku and Artemis do arts and crafts together but Shino ends up cleaning up most of the time.—100%. That's just fuggin cute.

Kol and Shino flew a drone over the city a few times, for fun and business.—100%. They just want to cause trouble.

Flex and Collin make fun of Shino for the "hallucinations" (episode where they welcomed Collin to the group) —100%. Shino gets bullied a lot so-

Artemis used his quirk to play with the other orphans before coming to Monarch.—85%. He might not have been allowed to use his quirk tbh- but if he was then definitely 100%.

Rikku and Shizu have the same taste in music.—100%. That's it.

Shino has/had a part-time job in fast food.—100%. Bro had to make money somehow, so why not be a depressed teenager working at McDonald's?

Shino's favorite snack is whipped cream but he never buys any because he thinks the others won't enjoy it too.—100%. I meant this as in Shino doesn't want to buy the whipped cream because he doesn't want to spend money on something the whole dorm could use unless his roommates are also enjoying it if that makes sense. 

Artemis is a back sleeper.—100%. He and Database both give back sleeper.

Shino and Artemis tried to teach Rikku how to make spaghetti once but she forgot the water for the noodles.—100%. Girl after my own heart.

One of Rikku's most prized possessions is a raccoon plushie she got from Shizu.—80%. Not sure about raccoon, maybe a cat or a bunny?

Shino's legs shake when he gets an anxiety rush.—70%. Maybe not really shake, kinda more like vibrate. 

Artemis often thinks about that time at the birthday party when he said something unintentionally weird about Kiyo's feet, cringing at himself.—50%. Ngl It goes one of two ways, he forgot about it, or he thinks about it very night. 

If they were in a horror movie, Artemis would live for a while, just to die near the end from some sort of disease. Shino would be the second to last person standing, but then die in a surprise attack or sudden move. Rikku would try to reason with whatever's attacking her then inevitably die.—No comment cuz I don't even know.

Artemis' favorite movie genre is Rom-Com, Shino's is sad with somewhat happy endings or depressing ends, Rikku loves any Anime movie.—100%. Artemis laughs at the jokes and swoons at the romantic gestures. Shino enjoys death scenes. Rikku is a weeb. 

Shino likes things to stay clean because whenever they are dirty, they start to stink, which annoys the shit out of him.—100%. Bad smells 👎.

Artemis doesn't like seafood.—80%. I feel like he doesn't like the textures of certain things.

Rikku uses bubblegum mouthwash.—100%. She also smells like bubblegum. 

Kol thought back about his word choices when he tried to win back Shino to L.O.V.E, trying to figure out if there was something he could've said.—100%. "Sad Boi Hours"

Shino hates graveyards.—90%. In my head they reminded him of his parents. 

Artemis used to use his quirk as some sort of imaginary friend. (As in, insentient shadow people and animals)—60%. Lonely child.

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