- It is over, thank you for using - Sam - from PunchINC, Sam tells the rest of us.

- We have nothing to lose from keep looking, I tell the group sincerely.

- I apologize for encouraging meaning less searching for a positive outcome, Eve tells me, though I decide to keep looking anyways. There are only two ways out of here, down the mountain and through the tunnel. We will never survive the abrupt, sharp way down to the valley, but the general and his men have no reason not to capture us once they get the chance. One of us could throw down the others and therefore be treated better than the general who will believe this one to be on his side. I take a quick look at Adam, until he says "what?" There is a third option, and that is upwards. The rock wall is very abrupt, and we will probably fall to a certain and maybe eternal death if we even try to climb it.

- We can roll down the mountain, Sam tells me, and I once again consider going down. Adam does not like this idea however, and complains how stupid that idea sounds.

- Shoot to kill, we got green light! the general calls, and then they start to shoot at us. Adam takes a lot of bullets for Eve, and Sam succeeds to catch a few for me. He then pushes me from the ledge, and I carefully begin to roll downwards. He and the other two take a slightly easier way down to the abrupt slope, Adam must have had a change

of opinions for this idea. I... a.. ghb... mg...

iAmrollin gat 44*2rpm. <doReset>cc__2[on=true]</doReset> itHurts.

Per haPs IwaSnot mEANT Toroll liket His. </endJournal>

My head hurts, and so does the rest of my body when I start to think about it. All I remember is pain and confusion. Where was I, what happened on the mountain? What is this vegetated place surrounded by mountains? Am I at Sir's mansion, was all of this just a dream? Why am I calling Damian "Sir" again? I must have injured the part of my processor that supports activity such as free thinking and personally intended reactions. The brain! The fall must have damaged my brain cells, and I am currently suffering a concussion. "PD? PD?!" Sam yells at me from someplace as I wander about thoughtlessly. I found him among a few sparsely placed leafy trees by the river.

- What happened? I ask him. He looks at me, almost entirely unaffected. He then explains everything.

- We got away - by rolling down the mountain. We are free now, he explains. He talks a bit slower than usual. I ask him where the others are, and he says that he saw them on the way down. We find Adam by the water, Eve lies deactivated in the grass, and it looks like Adam is trying to wake her up.

Once Adam sees me approach, he steps aside to my surprise. Eve remains lifeless in front of me, it does not look like she is dead or asleep, her face is frozen in a wide grin and her eyes are wide open. It looks like she is seeing a human being equipped with a real good instrument of torture. When I am about to pushing my fingers against her throat Adam stops me, claiming that I should leave her alone. I tell him that I have to do this in order to wake her up, and Adam steps aside for the second time today and ever. I push my fingers against both sides of her neck, and she wakes up almost instantly. "What happened?!" She asks me, and then Adam comes forth and tells her how we succeeded to get away once again. I was expecting Eve to be a bit slower than before, like Sam and I, but she rises directly with some help from Adam and says that we should leave before they come after us again. We walk over a small wooden bridge, and I feel happy that we did not roll down into the river.

We do not have a long way to the tiny village in the valley, which is even smaller than St. Howard in Switzerland and Watrine in the United Kingdom, and these places are incredibly small compared to Oxford for example. From the right distance, you can see the wholeness of these small towns, though this small village only consists of eight closely placed wooden shanties and huts. The largest building looks like somebody's home, and it is located a little off the rest of the vilage. The population also seems to be quite small, no one is outside at the moment. When we get closer, we realize that the whole village is empty, the windows stand dark and empty on dirty walls.

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