25 minutes later

"Are you done with your drawing, cause I am." Emi asks once she was done completing her masterpiece. She looks to her side to see Haechan on his phone as he replies to some text messages. Hearing her voice, he quickly turned his phone off before facing her.
"I've been finished ages ago. You took sooo long." He complains as she frowns at him. Her eyebrows furrowed before looking away.
"Kiki said if I want my drawing to turn out nice, I shouldn't rush it!!" She reasons before showing him her drawing. Looking at her drawing, his jaw fell to the ground.
Ain't no way a five year old could draw better than him.

"No way you made this?!" He said as he carefully studies the drawing.
"Yes way! I can draw Sailor Mars from memory." She stated. Shading him at the end since Haechan used his phone to copy a reference picture of Shinchan.
"How?! You've only ever lived five years of your life and you're already this good at drawing." He asks notably.
"Is it that good." She then asks as a small grin made it's way on her face.
"Duh, its way better than whatever I drew." He says and held up his drawing, comparing it to hers. She bursted into a fit of giggles.
"I want to be a good artist like kiki one day. So that's why I'm practicing very hard. You should see her room, her wall is filled with drawings, she even put some of my ones up on the wall as well!!" Emi stated.
"Maybe I'll visit one day, if she let's me that is."

"Hope I didn't miss out on the fun

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"Hope I didn't miss out on the fun." Kisaki spoke. Sitting down in front of Haechan and her little niece.
"Oh you missed all the fun. Isn't that right Emi-chan?" Haechan replies full of sass as Emi nods her head, agreeing with him.
She looks at them in disbelief. "Emi please don't follow in his influence. He's a bad kid."
Haechan dramatically gasps. "Liar!" To which Kisaki only rolls her eyes at him.
"Here I brought drinks for you both and a strawberry cheesecake for Emi." She said as she pushes the tray of food towards them.

"I made you a drawing!" Emi exclaims as she took a hold of her drawing and hands it over to her aunt.
"I helped her spell." Haechan added along as he took a sip of his drink.
"He helped me spell because I didn't know how to spell your name..." Emi repeated as the smallest tint of pink covered her cheeks.
"She thought your name was spelled with a 'Q' instead of a 'K'." Haechan laughs as Emi whines at him. "I told you to not tell her that!!"

Kisaki stares at the drawing in admiration before looking over at Haechan and Emi bickering. Seeing them get so close and comfortable with each other in such a short period of time somehow warms her heart.

"Thank you Emi. The illustration of Sailor Mars is beautiful. I wonder what Mr Haechi drew along with you." She said and stares at Haechan with a brow raised.
Haechan getting the hint that she was trying to make fun of him as he quickly took the piece of paper with a picture of Shinchan on it and aggressively stuffed it inside his backpack.
"None of your business kis." He yammers. The bringing up of her nickname completely ruining her mood.
"His drawing kinda looked like a potato." Emi stated as the two adults stared at her in dismay. Kisaki immediately laughing out loud as Haechan was left in shocked.
Words coming from a child were usually the truth, and how dare she say that his drawing was equivalent to a potato.
"Emi-chan I am completely heart broken. I'm afraid that you have hurt my feelings. Ok... but my drawing wasn't THAT bad." He said in his defence as Kisaki waves her hand in the air.
"Shut up Hyuck. Your drawing IS THAT bad. Your ego is that big that a literal child had to tell you the truth." Kisaki said through laughter.
"Well if my ego is big, than yours is enormous. Your ego is bigger than your freaking head!!" He exclaims as her eyes widens. "Huh you did not?! Take that back."



As off right now, Haechan was currently walking Kisaki home to her apartment. The girl carrying her five year old niece in her arms as Emi was fast asleep, her hands wrapped around Kisaki's neck as she was knocked down from the afternoon event.

"How did your brother you know end up having to take care of Emi?.." Haechan asks out of the blue. He was really curious and he couldn't hold it in anymore.
"My brother got his college girlfriend at that time pregnant. They were only twenty at that time. Of course when me and parents found out about it we were left appalled. My dad scolded him for not using protection or whatever, but after Emi was born, I guess we all dropped our heart and fell in love with her." She explains so casually.

Haechan took a glance at the little girl who was currently fast asleep in Kisaki's arms.
"Your family seems really loving." He states as she let's out a bitter chuckle.
"Towards Emi now yeah but not when..." She stopped herself before changing the topic. Stopping Haechan from asking any questions about her previous remarks.
"When my brother found out that his girlfriend was pregnant, he insisted that they should keep the baby because he'd take full responsibility for them. Just the thought that if my brother didn't convince his girlfriend to keep the baby, Emi would've been aborted and she wouldn't be here right now." She says. The topic making her stop walking at her traces.
He looks at her worriedly.
"You ok?" Haechan asks in concern as she hesitantly nodded her head. "Yeah. That topic is kinda heavy for me to talk about."
"You don't have to continue if you don't want too." He tells her.
"No its fine. You deserve to know since you helped me by taking care of her today."

"So what happened to his girlfriend?"
"Oh, she left him after Emi was like a year old. Said that she couldn't take care of her and she wasn't fit to be a mother. Never liked her anyways. My brother than got full custody of Emi and here we are. He had to drop out of college and find a job so he could provide Emi with a nice life. He could've just asked me or my parents to take care of her whilst he was at college but he didn't want to burden us. But we still insisted to help him out and babysit her from time to time."
He smiles at her softly.
"Your brothers a good guy. He kind of reminds me of my own father. Well, my biological dad not my stepdad that is." He says as she looks at him peculiarly.
"No way your parents are separated." She says as he just shrugs his shoulders. His lips forming a straight line as he faces the front.
"Been separated since I was eight years old. My mom fell out of love but my dad, he still loves her till this day but he can't really do anything about it and decided to let her go." He explains as she frowns at him.

Don't know why they were trauma dumping right now. Maybe it was because of the quiet and peaceful atmosphere as they walked alongside each other that made them this comfortable to talk about personal matters.

"That's tough on you buddy. No wonder why you seemed so upset when your sister didn't visit you for the holidays." She says as he sighs.
"For real though. I just want to spend the holidays with her. It always seems to be me that visits them when it's supposed to be my turn to visit. But she never does the same and always gets caught up with school and assignments. Ugh, I just want her to take a break sometimes and leave some spare time for me. Is it that much to ask for." He complains as she patted his shoulders lightly, trying to make him feel better. "There, there. Don't be upset."
"Stop treating me as if I'm a baby kis."

"Why did you sounded so surprised that my parents were separated? Are you also a victim of a sad and separated marriage?" He asks as she nods her head. "You could say that I guess."
"Look, we actually have something in common. High five." He placed his hands out for her to high-five as she somehow willingly completed the high-five.
"My dad was trying to keep the marriage going so me and my brother would have a full family. But my mother was awfully toxic and sometimes very abusive. And the funny part was that she only did it to me as well." She says as Haechan stops walking.
"Kis, don't say that it's funny. That's something that you shouldn't joke about." He tells her with a frown on his face. Kisaki having an expression on her face that was hard to identify.
"Well the damages done. She's gone as well, so everything's fine now. Besides, I like my stepmom allot more then her. She's cool and very loving unlike her."
"Did your dad finally decide to leave the marriage?" He questions her before she dropped something so shocking.
"No she committed suicide and died of overdose when he brought up the topic of divorce."

If choking on air was possible then that's exactly what Haechan had just experienced.
"Kis you really need to stop dropping the fucking bombshells unexpectedly. It catches me off guard." He says as she chuckles.
"Sorry I like being unexpected. Well thats enough trauma dumping for today. We've reached the front of my apartment complex." She said once the two of them had stopped walking.

"Today's hangout has been surprisingly fun... minus the part where we started talking about some family issues. At least we were able to learn a lot more things about each other, i guess." Haechan stated as she nods in agreement.
"See you tomorrow hyuck." Kisaki waves at him as be bids his goodbye. "You too kis."

HIDDEN DISGUISES (l. donghyuck) ✓Where stories live. Discover now