Accidentally creating chaos?

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@JAKESTERLING added 15 people to the groupchat.

jake : oh fuck. i thought it was like 6- what.

drew : jake what the fuck did you do-
drew : i told you to ONLY add US-

zander : what the fuck is this-

henry : jake did you mess it up again?

liam : henry, its obvious jake messed up bro

henry : thrue
henry : tue
henry : true-

zander : can my question get answered or something?!

daisy : oh- well! hi drew, jake, henry liam, zander, and others probably here!

jake : hi daisy
jake : i think i added milo here by accident. 

milo : you did idiot.

jake : well damn-
jake : i can confirm something- i know that erm. . . .
jake : i think i added sean and luke too. . . i think. i dont remember their numbers though.

sean : You did, Jake.

jake : did I add luke too? or just you?

sean : you added me, luke, milly, zander, and hailey. i cant confirm the other numbers. i think one is stacy and one is sadie.

milly : eklkiot is jhere!!

sean ; ok, then. elliot is here as well.

milly : eljliot talk talk!!

elliot : hi milly!

milly : hhii ellktiot

jake : alright- that confirms some stuff.
jake : wait, milo.

milo : wha idiot

jake : do not add your annoying boyfriend or your annoying friend.

milo : you cant
milo : tell me what to do, you bitch

jake : ill tell mom you're dating at 12.

milo : . . . ill tell drew

drew : tell me what

milo : that jake gyfukghfdligyot57erilgfk

jake : nothing. he's just being an idiot.


jake : ok.

milo : fuck you

jake : anyways! 

sadie : huh? 

daisy : hii sadie!!

jake : i might need to ask something...

milo : ask it know dumbass

jake : no

milo : loser

jake : child.

milo : im leaving you

jake : k

@RIZZLER has went offline.

jake : drew.

drew : yeah jake?

jake : dms.

drew : what?
drew : . . .
drew : ok.

@JAKEYBOO and @B1ACKCAT are now offline.

hailey : my fucking phone is dying wth.

milly : hi hailet

hailey : close enough. hello milly-

milly : elkkiot is hare

hailey : is that so? are the others added here too

milly : tink zo

hailey : ok. see you tmr milly, make sure to sleep and not be up doing projects again.

milly : ok!

@MILLZ_ and @B1UEHAIR_BLUEPRON0UNS are now offline.

10 people have went offline.


writing next chapter! :D

HIGH-SCHOOL CHATTERS !! || tmf chatfic(ish)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora