Aegon had not rested in such a long time that by the time he found the chamber he resided in, he collapsed. He dreamt of the Red Keep, standing in the Throne Room as Nyferia stood before the Iron Throne bowing when she saw him, she smiled but when Aegon tried to reach her the scene changed, he couldn't reach her when she laid on the ground bleeding, the wall of the Keep destroyed as he was covered in ashes and the Iron Throne destroyed. Perhaps this was a sign, a sign that he would not win this war, that he had lost his wife.

Aegon woke up, with tears going down his cheeks as a messenger stood in the door. The Messenger told him a servant came with a message and Aegon told him to let her in. A young woman with light brown hair walked inside as she nodded at the Messenger.

"My King" she said bowing, but Aegon noticed from her tone she did not mean it. Perhaps she was a Dragonstone resident loyal to Rhaenyra. The messenger had left as he stood before the King. "Well, tell me" he said as he looked at her. She walked closer looking at Aegon who had slept without his shirt and she noticed the scaring of his burns as well as claw marks from dragons. "It is said Prince Daemon has flown away from King's Landing with the dragonseed Nettles" she said as she fiddled with her fingers and Aegon nodded. "Is it known where they have gone" he asked but she shook her head before she stepped closer, gaining confidence it seemed.

"It must be hard, all alone trying to rule this country" she said as she reached out her hand before Aegon quickly grabbed it. "What are you doing?" Aegon asked looking at her with confusion. "I only mean to serve my King, your grace" she said as she raised her other hand to touch his chest, but Aegon was faster as he stopped her. "You have served me, now leave" Aegon said pushing her hands away as he turned around to gather his clothing for the day, he needed to deliver this news to his Council, with Daemon away from King's Landing they had more of a chance to take it back.

The young servant however did not leave. "Please, it must be hard with no woman here to satisfy the king" she said as she stood before the King. Aegon turned around ready to shout at the woman when he recognised her face. "I know you" he said as she grew a blush on her face. "You are the wetnurse who helped Rhaenyra with Prince Joffrey and I am sure with young Aegon and Viserys as well" Aegon remembered as she had not been present when Aenar was born. The young servant wanted to speak, but no coherent words came out as it sounded like she was choking. "Are you alright?" Aegon asked as she had not replied back, until she coughed up blood. "Send for a Maester!" Aegon yelled as the guards outside the door busted in when they heard someone in distress.

The Maester was fetched and upon seeing the young woman he looked at the King. "Has she touched you?" he asked and Aegon panicked trying to remember. "No, I pushed away her hands" Aegon remembered as he looked at the Maester, who was initially loyal to Rhaenyra has he had been the Grandmaester on her Small Council, but it seemed he was not important enough to be taken to King's Landing. "What has happened Maester?" Aegon asked him and the Maester turned to Aegon.

"Poison, I assume on her lips to transfer on to you" the Maester said as Aegon stepped back. "It's quick working poison if it affected you, you would know now" he said as he saw Aegon's panicked look. "Not very comforting, Maester" Aegon said as he sighed. "Have a funeral arranged for her, I am in need to speak to the Council if the words she spoke hold any truth" Aegon said as he walked towards the Painted table as everyone joined. "Anything since last time?" Aegon said, knowing the news would not travel as quickly as he had hoped.

"No word, Your Grace" Otto said and Aegon nodded, sighing. "There was an attempt on my life, and before she died, she proclaimed Prince Daemon and the dragonseed Nettles had left the Red Keep, together, flying Gods knows where" Aegon said. "If this is true, it means the Princess does not hold much power over King's Landing as she believed" Aegon said looking at everyone before turning to Addam. "I want you to come with me, to infiltrate the capital and discover about her plans what we can" Aegon said, and Addam nodded.

"My King, that is a foolish idea, what if you are caught?" Otto said. "What else would I have going for me, my son is dead, my wife is dead. If I die, make sure Aenar sits the Iron Throne" Aegon said before grabbing hold on Blackfyre as he mounted Sunfyre, who flew high and hidden in the clouds before landing at the bottom of the cliffs. "I know these hidden halls better than I know my own hand" Aegon said as he beckoned Addam to follow, who loyally did.

The Keep was infiltrated with soldiers supporting Rhaenyra's claim, who walked around in a red and black dress, and some Valyrian steel armour, Aegon and Addam were dressed in their own colours. Aegon wore a green tunic with a golden sun with the three headed dragon stitched into it. He sneaked through the castle as they had reached Maegor's holdfast, knowing some of the armour was kept here to disguise themselves. Addam walked ahead until Aegon stopped behind him, looking at a door from across where a guard stood. He alerted Addam who turned to look as well. "Why would they need to guard a door here?" Aegon wondered, none came into the holdfast, not even when Rhaenyra lived her.

Addam shrugged before Aegon walked the other way, almost coming from behind the guard as he knocked him out over the head. He quickly took the keys from the guard as he opened the door, Addam following as they walked into the room. "Addam?" they heard the voice of Lord Corlys who they saw first. Addam didn't hold back and walked over to his father who had been happy to see him. Aegon felt his heart shatter as they realised, they kept Corlys alive, until he walked further into the room.



nyferia making small dick jokes is what i live for

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