first taste

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Tokio, Japan.
"Oi— Are you not listening to me..?"


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Hela blinked a few times, there was entirely too much going on. Advances from the handsome stranger, her little sister bawling in the background — her fiancé begging her to come home. Waving her hand, as if she was swatting a fly away she ushered the handsome rich man out of her face. "Not right now— please." Turning back to her sister and fiancé she approached the pair. The music had stopped playing, thick silence filled the room. You could hear a pen drop. She raised her hand and delivered a sharp, stinging slap across his face. The sound of flesh meeting flesh scattered through the room as he stumbled backwards, his hand flying up to his cheek. The pain was intense, a fiery heat spread across his face and down his neck. He could feel the anger and frustration radiating off of her in waves, and he knew that he deserved it. As he stood there, stunned and reeling from the blow, he knew that he would never forget the feeling of her hand striking his face.
It was loud, firm and the impact caused his neck to turn in the opposite direction briefly. His eyes went wide, Hiromi's fingertips touched the red flushed spot. "You're despicable— get the hell out of my face, and find a motel to sleep for the night— I'll be gone in the morning." His eyes averted from her to the ground, they were brimming with shame and tears. Hela turned to her sister, "and you— pack your shit and get the fuck out of my house— I never want to see either of you in my life..let's never see eachother again." Everyone was frozen in their spots, Hiromi exchanged a look with Yovvone.

"Please— Hela.. don't tell mom." Yvonne flinched— Hela pulled her balled fist back while grabbing a handful of Yovvone's hair, the quick reflexed unexpected punch landed with a sickening thud, the sound echoing loudly. Her knuckle connected with Yvvone's nose, sending her reeling backwards. The impact was bone-jarring, sending shockwaves through Hela's frail arm and up into her shoulder. Hiromi instantly caught the falling girl who cried out and started sobbing on the ground, blood gushed from both sockets of her nose. "Don't bother coming home, I hope you both die." At that point, the alcohol was talking. Hela completely disregarded the men that so eagerly plotted on taking her home and stepped over the pair on the ground and pushed toward the exit, stumbling out of the bar, a small hidden sigh escaping her lips as she disappeared in the darkness of the night into the storm that refused to slow down.

The rain poured down, a torrential downpour that soaked everything in its path. She stood there, tears streaming down her face, as the rainfall covered any remanentes of emotion. The drops of water mingled with the tears running down her cheeks and disappearing into the fabric of her clothes. With each passing moment, the rain grew stronger, until it was impossible to tell where the tears ended and the rain began. As she stood there, before pacing off, drenched and alone, she knew that the rain would wash away her tears, but it could never wash away the pain. Sniffing, she blindly made her way back home. Finding the familiar building, Hela made her way inside and slammed the door shut. Flicking all the locks in the process and setting the alarm. Stripping out of her wet clothes by the stairs, she dragged her nude body into the guest bathroom and took a quick warm shower. Once finished, she crawled onto the bed in the guest bedroom and shut the lamp on the nightstand off.

𝐀 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 | 𝐒.𝐆𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐮Where stories live. Discover now