Chapter 19

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Charlotte POV

Opening my eyes, I stare at the ceiling, looking around I find my loves laying by my side. Everything is fuzzy, and I'm cold, but I don't want to move. So I play with Steve and Bucky's fingers, using them like my own little action figures to make the time go by.

Feeling Steve's fingers twitch, he grips me gently, "Morning."

I look up at him, "Mornin."

He rubs my stomach, playing with my thinned fupa and pained skin. He pecks my forehead, "Are you hungry?"

I nod my head, "Yeah."

He smiles at me, slipping out of bed, "Can I help?"

He looks at me, "No, rest."

I nod my head, "Ok."

Watching him walk away, I nuzzle up against Bucky, wrapping an arm around me I winch.

Playing with his hair gently, I relax, then I hear groggyhis voice.


I look up at him, seeing his puffy eyes I stroke his cheek with my thumb.


He looks down at me, but I continue, "Are you hurt somewhere? Are you ok?"

He gives me a warm smile, pulling me closer, "Yes, I'm ok, just had a bad dream."

I smile, "The nightmare is over now, you're safe."

"Foods done."

I look at Steve, Bucky stretches a bit, before slipping out of bed. Holding out his hand, I take it. In Bucky's shirt, I feel comfort, then the cold settles in.


I look up at him, taking the blanket, he wraps it around me. Smiling at him, he leads me to the dining room table.

Sitting down, I look down at the flavorful breakfast, taking a bite I smile. It's warm, steam is coming off of it, but it's cold. Looking at the two as they stare at me, I tilt my head, "You two look different."

From the extra hair to the bags under their eyes, they look stressed, exhausted.

I shiver again, "I feel different."

Placing my fork down, I stare at the food, "The food is cold, but there's steam."

Feeling the darkness creep into my mind I frown, Steve's voice slips out.

"How about some music?"

I look up at him, "Yeah, that sounds nice."

Watching him slip out the record out of the colorful case he slips it in. Hearing Wonder's smooth voice I smile swaying my head to the melody.

Pain shoots through my head, flashes of memories or moments come and go.

I stand, looking at them, "This isn't real, is it."

Bucky stands, "No this is really, we're real Doll."

I look down at my hands, "I'm still at the lab, this is..."

Bucky holds my hand, looking at his black metal hand I frown.

"We're real, I'm real."

I stroke his hand, "I..."

My head begins to hurt again, "It's cold."

I fall to my knees, "I hate the cold."

Looking at my hands again, I see the thin layer of ice on my skin. It starts to spread like an infection, "No, no please stop it."

Everything is fuzzy, their voices, my vision, all I can feel is the cold.

Looking at the blurs in front of me there voices faze in and out. Feeling the blanket wrap around me tightly I feel a hand on my cheek, ""

Closing my eyes the ringing in my ear silences, as a warm voice fills the room.

That I'll be loving you always. Until the ocean covers every mountain high, always. Until the dolphin flies and parrots live at sea, always. Until we dream of life and life becomes a dream. Did you know that true love asks for nothing? Her acceptance is the way we pay. Did you know that life has given love a guarantee? To last through forever and another day.

Calming down, I feel a pair of arms wrap around me, and for the first time, I feel warm.

"It's over?"

Steve answers softly, "Yes, it's over."

Crying, I can't help but smile, "I'm glad, I'm glad this is real, I'm glad I'm free."

Things still weren't easy, some days I would forget where I am, or be confused. The lines of reality would blur and I would lose myself, but Steve and Bucky ground me. They help me see the world as it was, keeping me calm, helping me regulate my emotions.

They even got permission to stay with me, no missions until further notice.

The times when they would hold me close, are the moments, I feel true warmth. The moments I get a break from the blizzard that seems to be flowing inside of me.

Every day that passes I remember more and more about my time in the lab. The things they did to me, the things my mind is trying to protect me from. When everything goes static, I try to play music, I listen to the melody, the words, the emotion.

It helps, it helps a lot.

Sitting on the couch, I have my headphones in, Stevie came out with a new song, with Nas and PJ. It's nice, humming the tune, I sing the lyrics, feeling my worries wash away.

"I think by now you should know, things won't always go your way. Can't change things you can't control. So, let those worries wash away. Just be like water, let it flow. Be like water, just let go. Be like water, where we'll end up, we don't know, water, just let it flow. Obstacles seem to be everywhere, elevators out of order, use the stairs. But don't you ever let it make you question your path, be that still and quiet or as loud as a crash."

Reveling in the smooth flow of Nas's words, I fail to notice the additions to the room. The fresh smell of kabobs bring me back from the melody, turning around I take off my headphones.

Blushing I smile at the two, "What did I do to deserve having the two of you in my life?"

They smile, flushed by my words, standing I leave my music behind, "No seriously, the universe must truly favor me to bless me with Steven Grant Rogers and James Buchanan Barnes."

Bucky chuckles a bit, "You are the only person who can say call me that without making me cringe."

I smile, pecking his lips, kissing Steve as well, he hands me the berry juice.

"Thank you!"

Poking the straw, I sip the sweet drink, "So fucking good."

I could tell they're worried, placing my drink down, I hold their hand, "I'm ok, I'm much better than I was a month ago. See!"

I show myself off jokingly, "I'm still thick and beautiful, my bruises and scars are gone, and I've only accidentally froze the shower head but it melted!"

They give me a small smile, "Come on you two, I'm doing much better, I even feel warmer. Especially since you two are here."

I can tell they're worried, doubtful, sighing I look at them, "I think I'm ready for my training sessions to start."

They seem surprised, "Are you sure?"

I nod my head, "Yeah, I think it's time to stop cleaning water and ice off the floor."

Bucky smiles, "I'm glad, and don't feel obligated to go to shield. I know great scientist in Wakanda that can help you as well, make you feel more comfortable."

I smile, "Ok."

I'm ready to heal, I'm ready to move.

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