Chapter 8

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Charlotte POV

"Maintain constant and open communication, honesty, strong emotional regulation, a willingness to experiment, and the ability to take responsibility for your actions and choices. These are the elements of having a successful polyamorous relationship."

I've have been spending the last two hours, researching the best ways to have and maintain a poly relationship. This is still new to me and I don't want to fuck this up.

Everything is pretty simple, maybe not simple to maintain but simple to understand. I write down everything I need to remember on a virtual sticky note. Focused I hear a knock on the door.

Checking the time I raise an eyebrow, "It's still another hour until I open."

Stepping out of my office, I peak around the corner to see a sweaty man, my sweaty man.

Walking over to the glass door, I unlock the door, "Steve! Good Morning!"

I step aside letting him step inside, "Morning Baby Girl."

Fuck, these two are testing me.

The whiff of man fills my nose, noticing the beads of sweat on him, he answers my curiosity, "I decided to jog."

"Ah, I see, want some water, I have some extra bottles in my office."

"That would be great."

Locking the door behind me I lead him to the back.

Now, my office is not small, and it's pretty well vented too, but handing him his water bottle, being in his presence is making my kitty purr. I may not a werewolf, but fuck the way these men smell, the way Steve smells can dive me up a fucking wall.

Staring at him he chuckles making me blush, "Thanks for the food, it was amazing."

I smile brightly, "I'm glad you liked it."

Closing my computer, I step out the office, knowing if I stay any longer I might listen to my body before my heart and mind can catch up.

"Need any help?"

"No Mr. Rogers."

Looking at him the tips of his ears flush, making me giggle, "I can't keep using you as free labor, I'm going to have to pay you sooner or later."

He walks over to me, testing my will power once more, "I'm always here to help you know."

I blush, feeling him grow closer and closer to me. The universe must be trying to torture me, because my alarm goes off.

Slipping away I calm down, "You can help if you'd like."


Setting everything up, I talk to the plants as I arrange and water them making Steve laugh a bit.

"Don't laugh Steve, it helps them grow!"

Pulling me away, he holds my hand, "I also came here to tell you something important."

Seeing his sad expression I frown, "What's wrong?"

"Bucky and I have to go on a mission, it's going to last for about 3 months."

What did I expect?

There hero's, they have to protect the world, that's there job.

I give him a small smile, "Ok, I understand. Just be safe, both of you."

Placing his hand on my cheek, he leans close, kissing me on the forehead. Blushing at the jester, I can't help but feel happy.

They'll be ok.

But will I be?

I've never done long distance, and I don't think I can contact them. I didn't get any text or call from them as the weeks go by. Maria could tell I was out of it, could tell I'm worried.

I didn't know where to go, or what to do but wait.

It's May now, hearing the door open, I shout from the back, "I'll be right there."

Holding a small box of seed to restock I see a black man step inside, "Are you Charlotte?"

I smile, "Depends on who's asking?"

He gives me a friendly smile, "My name is Sam Wilson, I'm a friend of Steve and Bucky."

I almost break my neck turning to him, "Are they ok?"

He nods, "They are, and they wanted me to pass these along to you."

Holding out two envelopes I chuckle, "Letters? So old fashion."

He laughs, "Yeah, Friday helped them since they couldn't really sit down and write it all out."

I look up at him curiously, "Friday?"

He shrugs his shoulders, "It's an Avengers thing."

I open Bucky's letter first

Dear Charlotte,

I'm sorry I haven't been able to reach you, this mission is dragging on longer than I want it to. I miss you. I hate that I have to be gone so long but when I come back, I'm not letting you go.

I wanna take you to this pizza joint Steve and I found. It has a silly name and I think you would like it. Oh I also found this, I think you would like it, I don't know what it's called so when I see you tell me ok?


James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes

Looking in the envelope I see the old plucked flower, I smile, "A crocus."

The faded purple flower, symbolizing joy and romantic devotion. I blush holding the flower close before opening Steve's letter.

Dear Charlotte,

I hope all is well, the mission is going well but I prefer being back in the states with you. Bucky picked a flower for you, I hope it doesn't mean anything bad, but he tends to have good taste.

I hope the shop is going well, when I come back I want to see you again. Hopefully go for a jog with you or help around the house. I would push a whole building if it meant being with you, even if it's just for a second.

I hope time goes faster, because I'm ready to leave.


Steve Rogers

My cheeks grow sore as the smile stains my face, holding the letters close I tear up a bit. Looking at Sam I smile brightly, "Thank you, thank you so much for delivering these to me."

I hold out my hand, "I hope we can become friends."

Shaking my hand he smile, "I know we will, I'm your new delivery system after all."

We laugh, with a soothed heart and a lighter weight I feel amazing.

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