A Run For It

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The woman suddenly spoke
"Tomioka, what are you doing?"

Tanjiro appeared to know the man that was standing infront of them. He was facing the woman. He then spoke to Tanjiro and ignored the woman.

"Tanjiro take your sister and the child and run"

"Ara Ara~ Tomioka your protecting a demon. That's against corps rules! This is why people don't like you!"

Tanjiro made a shocked face, along with Tomioka.

"I-im not disliked by people..."
Tomioka retorted

"Ara ara~! My apologies, you haven't realized yet! That was uncalled for!"
(I'm doing this from memory ☠️)

Tanjiro's and Tomioka's shocked faces returned.

"Tanjiro get out of her with nezuko and the girl, I will deal with her"

Tanjiro immediately got upp with nezuko's box. Both Y/n and Nezuko were in there. As he ran off, all the ruckus that had happened caused Y/n to awaken.

(I hope yall enjoying this chapter so far👁👄👁)

As he was running some girl jumped on top of him. He was on his belly on the ground now. The box containing Y/n and nezuko flew out of his hands and where now a couple of feet in front of him.
"Nezuko!Take Y/n and run! Get away from here-"

The girl had kicked his head and he passed out. Nezuko then ran with Y/n being cradled in her arms.

Nezuko was only running for about ten seconds before the girl had caught up to them and was swinging her sword at Nezuko's head. Within a second Nezuko shrunk a little shorter than Y/n's size and was running with Y/n still in her arms. The girl was shocked but, she continued to run after them.
After a little while the girl stopped chasing them and lowered her sword and put it away. Nezuko stopped running too, she then turned towards her.

The girl was still cautious but approached and leaned forward, towards nezuko. Nezuko was now holding Y/n more cautiously and protectively.
She girl looked towards Y/n's wrapped arm.
"Are you the one who hurt her?.."
She asked in a soft voice

Nezuko immediately shaked her head, it seemed as if she was also offended that she would assume that.
(Making some changes cause I can't remember shi-)

Tanjiro was upp not and was running towards them with a frantic expression. He was also holding Nezuko's box in his left hand. On his way there he realized the girl wasn't hurting them or attacking nezuko. He seemed confused.
"Nezuko! Are you and Y/n ok!?"
Nezuko just nodded as a response.

Tanjiro was immediately relieved to hear that they were safe and not harmed, well not more than they were before.
Tanjiro hated to admit it but, he felt more worried about Y/n than nezuko. He even felt a ting of jealously nezuko was holding Y/n. What was happening to him!?
He ignored this and ushered Y/n and nezuko into the box before equipping it on his back.
Tanjiro was still worried about Y/n. Rui was holding her so tight that he is sure Y/n has bruises that are forming. He hopes he is wrong though.
Tomioka was back with the woman by his side as he began to explain.

"They want to put you on trial. Also to maybe kill nezuko. Not sure what they will do with the kid though."

Tanjiro looked shocked before the woman contacted.

"My names Shinobu by the way but, I have to ask. Will you come willingly or will we have to force you?"
The last part sent chills through Tanjiro. She said it with such a creepy smile.

Tanjiro sighed and put his hands upp before answering.
"I'll come."

[Love Meter]


"I have you back at my side"


I hope they are safe... there best bet is Tanjiro, Inosuke shouldn't even be a option.




Your safe now that your with her


What a cute child, I hope the demon won't hurt her.. maybe if Tanjiro is killed along with Nezuko, I can ask to maybe have to her train under me.


Hope the kid won't have to be trialed.


It will be harder to get you with Hashira around..

(So sorry! I forgot to publish this and I accidentally left it as a draft! Please enjoy the chapter!)

[Perfection] Yandere Platonic Kny x Child reader Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat