Her opened excited mouth came closed to form a thin line on her lips. She smiled a little and believed he deserved to know about her achievement today. She decided to stop by his home to talk and apologize and also share her happiness with him. She knew he was always genuinely happy when she was succeeding in life and indeed Anne's words came to her mind. He was a special guy.

"What are you thinking about Eden?" Katherine brought her out of her thoughts. Eden chuckled and shooked her head in denial. She wasn't willing to let go of a good friend like Julian.

"I have to go right now Katherine. It's urgent." She looked at the time and it was getting late. She really took about an hour and half to really perfect her makeup skills on Mrs Graneveille. "Tell Anne I went to fix things. She'll understand." With that, Eden stormed out of the company and hailed a taxi. She asked the cab driver to make a stop at a fancy supermarket on her way to Julian's home. She couldn't just go empty handed.

She got in and then surveyed the whole store and wandered what to get Julian. He deserved the best and she really wanted to earn his forgiveness. The last thing she wanted was to play with his feelings last night. She slapped her temples slightly calling herself a fool to do such a thing.

She spent more than thirty minutes and still was lost at what Julian liked. "What a friend you are Eden. You don't even know what Julian likes but he does know about you." She mocked herself while still contemplating on what to get. Just then, she heard the sound of thunder outside and she turned to look at the sky that was becoming gloomy through the large glass window. It was an indication that a storm was approaching.

She gasped and was about to step away from the window when she bumped into the cellars that had lots of wine bottles. It then hit her and she recalled Julian taking a liking to a Montel vintage old wine. She didn't know much about his likes as he always made it about her in every topic while they discussed.

She looked through the cellar and found the bottle. She grabbed it and checked ghetto price. Her mouth gaped seeing the price tag. It was damn expensive and had never purchased something so expensive in her life before. But again, it was for a good cause and that good cause was not to loose a friend and gentleman like Julian.

She had been payed last night after the fashion show for her work and could afford it. She removed the idea of dropping the bottle back and hurriedly ran to the counter and quickly purchased it.

She rushed out of the supermarket and the cool chilling air met her body and she remembered the approaching storm on its way. She had called her mother and informed her about arriving home late. She got into the cab and headed towards Julian's house.

It took the cab about twenty minutes from the supermarket to the enormous building. It had began to pour when she stepped out. She payed her fare and cursed under her breath towards the universe for what warning her on time to take an umbrella. She got into the building and the gates were opened by the security. She rushed toward the building as the now heavy rain poured down on her. She was soaking wet by the time she got into the building that was a few metres from the main gate.

"Shit," She cursed under her breath and inhaled before she walked to the elevator that will take her to Julian's apartment floor. She got to his floor and was staining the rug with her wet flats and also got stares from a few residents on the same floor.

She hoped Julian was home as she didn't call him of her arrival but wanted it to be a surprise. She got to his front door and carefully knocked while she removed a few strands of her damp auburn hair backwards.

The door opened and Eden opened her mouth to yell surprise but her words got stuck in her throat when she saw a pretty and good looking woman at the doorstep of Julian's apartment. For some reason Eden felt uncomfortable seeing the unfamiliar woman in front of her. And to top it off, she was wearing clothes that definitely weren't hers. She was wearing a big and loose shirt which was obviously a man's and by that, it meant to be Julian's clothes.

"Who's at the door Paula?" Eden's eyes widened at the mention of the woman's name. She immediately recalled that name in one of Julian's conversation, about Paula. She was the same woman Julian talked about. She was his ex girlfriend in the past but what was she doing here. She knew they had broken up long ago and didn't speak to one another before he even met her over at the online course.

"Some lady." Paula replied with a smile. The woman was gorgeous and Eden couldn't help but check her out seeing how beautiful and classy she looked. Her mouth twitched in distaste. Julian came into view and was stunned to see Eden at his doorstep.


The rain was very heavy and was coming out of nowhere. It wasn't giving any signals for it's arrival. "Fuck! I can't see a thing even with the headlights," Lionel huffed while driving on the road with Monique in the backseat.

"Am scared Lionel. The storm seems pretty bad. Maybe we should park the car and wait for the storm to die down." Monique suggested. She was afraid of the terrible storm that brought lightning and thunder sounds everywhere.

"We're on the road right now and I can hardly see a thing with the storm. I can't just park in the middle of the road." Lionel continued to strain his eyes. The headlights were of a little help.

He had finished quite early from the office and drove over to the hospital to pick up Monique and take her back home but the unexpected storm hit them really hard. He continued to manhandle the steering wheel and moved slowly. They had reached a stop with the traffic light signal. The traffic lights turned green on the route they were in and Lionel began his driving again. He was hoped to get home soon.

"Lionel! Watch out!" Monique screamed spotting a truck through the small light from the headlights approaching them from the opposite side. The driver in the truck had neglected the traffic light on his route. Lionel widened his eyes and on time quickly turned the steering wheel to the side and away from the truck and their car crashed into a huge tree. Lionel hit his head on the steering wheel pretty hard while Monique fell from the huge impact and hit her belly on the floor in the backseat of the car and hit her head on the passenger's seat as well. They both were unconscious.

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