I'm so sorry-Q.H

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I sat there, tears streaming down my face, feeling completely kicked to the curb. I had left behind my friends and family, everything I knew, to be with Quinn. I thought our love was strong enough to withstand anything, even his demanding career in the NHL. But lately, it seemed like I was invisible to him.

It had all started when Quinn's schedule became busier than ever. The demands of the sport consumed his every waking moment, leaving little time for anything else. And I understood that, I really did. But I couldn't help feeling neglected, abandoned even.

I had tried to talk to Quinn about it. I would pour my heart out, explaining how lonely and isolated I felt in this new city without the support system I once had. But every time, my words seemed to fall on deaf ears. He would nod absentmindedly, offering a few comforting words, but his attention was always elsewhere. I was desperate for a connection, for him to truly understand the depth of my emotions.

That day, as my tears flowed uncontrollably, I found solace in Luke, Quinn's younger brother. He had always been perceptive and empathetic, and he had grown close to me over the years. Sensing my distress, he gently placed a hand on my shoulder, comforting me with his presence.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay," Luke reassured me, his voice filled with compassion. "Let's go to the summer house. Maybe some time away from all this chaos will help both of you."

With Luke's support, we arrived at the summer lake house, where Ellen, Quinn's mom, welcomed us with open arms. She had always been a pillar of strength for the family, and I felt an immediate sense of comfort in her presence. Ellen could see the pain in my eyes, the desperation for Quinn's attention.

Ellen pulled Quinn somewhere nobody else was

"Quinn, what the hell are you doing? Can't you see how much you're hurting her?" Ellen's voice pierced through the room, filled with disappointment and concern.

Quinn's face was a mix of surprise and realization. After Ellen had made Quinn open his eyes he saw me truly seeing the pain I had been carrying all this time. It was as if a veil had been lifted from his eyes, and he finally understood his neglect's impact on our relationship.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered, his voice filled with genuine remorse. "I never meant to make you feel this way. The NHL has been consuming me, but I shouldn't have let it consume us. You're my priority, and I've been failing you."

Tears welled up in Quinn's eyes, mirroring the ones that had stained my cheeks. In that moment, I saw the love and devotion that had initially brought us together. And with Ellen's stern yet loving guidance, he found the courage to express his remorse and apologize.

We spent hours talking, pouring out our fears and frustrations, acknowledging the mistakes we had made. Quinn promised to make a conscious effort to balance his career and our relationship, to never let me feel neglected again. It was a turning point, a chance for us to rebuild what had been crumbling.

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