Your Presence // H.Ran

918 17 7

Genre! Fluff, Angst if you squint hard enough

Warning! idol!reader, i wrote this with a fem!reader in mind but i think i didn't specified a gender...?, OOC ran, end (?) timeline!ran, the reader is shorter than ran (sorry tall people:( ), not proofread.

A/N since it's 26th may today, THAT MEANS IT'S RAN HAITANI'S BDAY!!!! this fanfic has nothing related with his birthday, sadly, but it's a fluff ran haitani fanfic that i made within one sitting which is a good thing!


The loud cheers from the sea of crowds were the only thing filling up the enormous stadium, you and your idol members continues to keep their energy shined out from the very beginning of the concert till to this very second, your body moved and keep on track to the right rhythm playing in your 'in ear monitor' moving position's and changing turns for each other own part of the song

As you continue to sings all out to your hearts content, you couldn't helped but looked around through the vip section of the seat, hoping to see a certain tall lanky figure with a purple and black streaks colored haired men sitting somewhere in the vip seating crowd's

You threw a glance all around to the vip section every once in a while, not wanting to be seen as if you were searching for someone special in the crowds, dating was not something banned in your idol company, but they gave out a heads up on how those delusional fans could get a bit too rowdy and wild when it comes out to their lovely idol getting their selves a significant other, and it wasn't something that is easy to control...

For what you've felt like ages you've been looking out for the obvious purple colored haired men that should've been easily spotted since the hair color stands out a lot, you didn't found him, your heart dropped a bit by the fact you weren't able to find him in the vip crowd, even with the very few minutes break to interact with your crowd of lovely fans asking how their days have been going so far and if they had been enjoying their selves being apart of performance your group idol have been giving out to them, you weren't able to find him, your bright smile fall off for a momentarily before a forced out one rise back up to your lips

You weren't sad nor disappointed that he weren't there, he has always been a busy men himself, having to deal with their clubs and other businesses work stuff in hand, it were expected that he wouldn't be able to appear and show support in your idol group performance all the time, but he had given out the most sweetest words and promise's on how he will 100% show up on the vip crowd and cheering you like he's your number one fan, but it seems that he got himself busy or maybe something unavoidable happened that he couldn't cancel the plans out

"Y/n, are you ok?" your friend whispered out to you as she sent you a worried expression, you quickly snapped your head towards the girl and nodded telling her that you were more than just fine, which she did not believed in the slightest "you're horrible at lying you know~" "do i?" she only let out a giggle and put her arms around your shoulder and proceeds to close her mouth with the back of her hands

"You're looking for him, don't you?" the mic that each of the idol members were given were all hand mic which you were thankful about since this conversation that had just started were only between you and the member only to know, you then closed your mouth with the back of your hand too and put the right hand which were the hand you were holding onto the mic fell to the side of your thigh "was it that obvious?" she only nodded and once again let's out another giggle

"We could go and search for him in the crowds if you wanted to?" she whispered again with her mouth covered with the back of her hands "isn't that too risky?" sending her a nervous smile she shrugged at your words "we'll just multitask between searching for him and interact with the fans and read their hilarious board too~"

And just with that, you agreed and started walking to the other 3 members of your group, had a minute talk before you all decided to go a bit more closer to the vip crowd from the stage, looking and interacting a bit with the fans

You and the previous girl that have had been talking with you were walking at the left side of the stage waving, laughing at those creative and funny board the fans held up for you all to read, flashing them smiles and having a short talk and selfies using their phones, but even with all of the stuff you were doing your best to interact with the fans, your eyes kept on searching for him, silently

You were starting to lose hope before you saw a group of 12 light stick of your f/c glow sticks that flashing right at the corner of your eyes, you turned around and were met with a 3 grown man, in suits, one with horribly bright pink hair and the other two with a short and long purple hair, waving your glow sticks at your way, each one of them had two f/c glow sticks in each hand

And there you were met with his beautiful purple gaze, you couldn't helped but let the wide smile crept upon your lips at the sight of it as a laughter bubble up in your throat, ready to burst out from your lips by the sight of them

Rindou clearly seemed like he were too tired to even be there, sanzu were just confused but has kinda gotten the spirit to wave the stick in the sky aggressively, and then there was ran, ran haitani, his gaze screamed "head over heels" and the soft smile has been plastered on him for as long as he could remembered, watching you shine brighter than you already are up on the tall stage, he couldn't helped but let his heart melt a bit at the sight of it

The next thing you knew, without any hesitation, you blowout a kiss to the crowd of fans which made the row of seat squeal in happiness, thinking it were given to them when clearly it were sent to the purpled haired man, but they didn't need to know thay only the both of you do (and rin and sanzu, but not the point), ran reach out his hands for the blown kiss, grabbed it and dramatically put his balled fist on his chest as if it were gun shot with the bullet being the blown kiss you just gave him to his heart.

Now knowing that ran were 100% in the crowds, watching over you, you couldn't helped but give out an even MORE outstanding performance even after all of the hours, even after your legs were giving out on you and you were breathing in for air, you wanted to give out 1000% of your all

After the last song were performed, you and your group of friends send out the thankyou's for the crowds and waving them a goodbye before you and the other 4 members disappeared from the stage

At the backstage, you were each given a bottle of water by the staff as they told to every members that they all have done an outstanding performance today like any other performance, thanking for their words one of the other staff called out for your name, telling you that a certain dude named ran haitani were looking for your presence, and with that being told, you took off and ran

looking around for ran in the long hallway of the backstage, you finally found his figure, both hands in each side of the pockets, he turned his head around towards you noticing the rapid foot steps that were running towards his way, realizing that it was only you, he sent out another soft smile and he removed both arms from the pockets

"i thought you didn't came! i got so sad when i couldn't find you" and with that, you wrapped your arms around his torso tightly "really now?" he said with an obvious teasing voice lacing in his tone, your face buried on his chest you nodded your head while still hugging tightly onto him "i thought you had to cancel it and had to do other stuff" your words slightly muffled out but still managed to make sense to his ears "i always keep my promises, i am a man of my words after all..." hugging you back tightly, he kissed the crowd of your head and let his head fell on top of yours

"and what's with rindou and sanzu coming too? i thought it was just gonna be you?" you lifted your head to look at his eyes "i can't hold all 12 of your colored glow sticks all alone you know?" you sweat dropped a bit at his words "12 glows stick? why did you got that much?" "just so i can stand out the most" you could only laughed at his statement and shook your head a bit at it "i think the suit and purple hair has already stand out quite a lot if you asked me"

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