anger // h.ran

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warning! GN!reader, cursing, self insert?

you grew up with all of the anger you have sealed inside of your heart, you forced yourself to just cover it all up with a facade, letting your anger took over you means you lose, that's what you learned when you grew up, but you were well aware that one that it'll all spill out from the jar so at some point you'll have to let it all out in a way.

today was the last push you needed to let it all out, it started from your mom screaming your ears off in the morning to you getting picked on in school with the teacher now yelling at you for not finishing all of the 13 assignments that he gave in a week, everything was too much for you, you felt your blood boiling up from your toes to your head, you felt like you can just throw something out the window or just punch something or someone

"y/n are you okay?" school was finally over and you decided to ask for your boyfriend to just go on a ride around roppongi, and now you're on the back sit of ran haitani's motorcycle with your hand clenching on his shirt, you snapped back into reality and let go of the clench the were started to tighten even more

"oh sorry, i was just.." stopping your words, you just let your face buried at the guy's back, he stopped his motorcycle at the side of the street and look back at you

"sorry.." you mumble out a word at him, you never wanted to show him this side of yours, you felt so.. weak.

there was silence surrounding the both of you with an engine sound was heard passing by the both of you, he only gaze at your figure that were holding onto him for dear life

"wanna wreck shit up?" he questioned you, you slowly lifted your head's up to look at the guy, looking at his smirking face while your head slightly tilted at his words, he chuckled at your expression and gently flick you right on forehead

"stop acting innocent, you know what i'm talking about" your head was still trying to process what he said, it took you another 5 seconds to realized about what he meant

"are you sure about it?" you only looked at his still grinning face, he nodded at your words and turned the engine back on

"yeah! you seem like you needed to let some of those angers out anyway" he started to ride off from the side of the street, you only sighed at his words and go back to hugging onto him with your head leaned on his back

after a few minutes of driving the both of you finally arrived at an abandoned building, it seemed like it were abandoned a few years ago but it was still pretty dirty on the inside with some items and furniture left inside of the building

"head's up" you turned around to look at him only for your face to meet with a baseball bat

"what was that for?" you send him a glare as you rubbed on your forehead, he only chuckled at your words and pick up the baseball bat that were sitting on the dirty floor and lend it to you

"go ape shit, scream all your emotions out, your face looked like it could murdered someone right now" accepting the baseball bat that were Lent to you he then ruffle your hair and sent you a genuine smile this time

"off you go, I'll just sit here since i can just beat people up when i'm mad" you looked at his face for a few seconds and turned around

standing in the middle of the room you let all of your thoughts and anger spill out, and before you even knew it your impulse gets to you and you destroyed a broken & old computer that were sitting besides you, breaking the mirror that were hanging silently on the wall, you give the computer another swing before you let out another hard swing on the old printer on the ground, after another few minutes of you letting all of the bottled up anger spill out you let out a loud yell

"I FUCKING HATE YOU ALL" you screamed at the top of your lungs without even realizing it, you let the both of your hand fall besides you and you lift your head up looking at the ceiling, your body started to tremble as your eyes started to blurred from the tears that were threatening to fall from your face, a whistle was heard from behind you, quickly snapping your head at the voice you saw ran making his way towards you, you completely forgot that he were here with you

"that was wi-" his words were then stopped by the sight of you tearing up, his grin dropped as he made his way towards you and wipe the tears, he didn't let you said a words and just give you a comforting hug, you started to choke on your own tears and hugged him back, not a single words were shared by the both of you as the both of you kept on the hug for who knows how long

"thankyou ran" letting go of the comforting hug he gave you, you flashes him a soft smile that you barely ever showed, to him you looked like a saint right now with the moon light shining at your face through the window

"you're welcome angel"

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