5. (Athanasia) I Love My Sister!

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Suddenly I felt someone pluck me off Ara and I flailed my arms and feet. I turned my head to see Claude looking at Ara who stared up at both of us.

"Let her down." She spoke.

"You're still not well enough." He said and I kept flailing.

Put me down you son of a-

"Ara!" I shouted and she sighed.

"Let her down." She repeated.

"She can see you in morning, you need more rest." He said and I looked at Ara.

Her face was pallid and she looked really tired. Right, she needed rest. If I stay here she might not sleep. She was a light sleeper anyways, I shouldn't disturb her.

"Al-Alright then, I'll come to see you in morning, Ara." I said and she looked at me.

"I'm fine." She said and I snorted. She always said that.

"Take rest." Claude said before he turned carrying me out with him.

Once outside the room, he handed me to Felix who stood outside.

"Take her back to her room." Claude ordered before he turned around and walked away.

I looked at the closed door longingly.

"Thank you, Princess Athanasia." Felix said as he started walking towards my room.

"Why are you thanking me?" I asked as I wiped my tears.

"You did what the Imperial doctors and the top Mages of the kingdom couldn't do." He smiled down at me and I looked at him.

"To be honest, we were really worried because the Mages nor the doctors knew what to do about Princess Amara's condition. His Majesty was so angry that he fired the Imperial doctors and sent the Mages to dungeons for not being able to do anything. They diagnosed the problem but couldn't give a solution, but you did it. You woke Princess Amara. Thank you so much, Princess." He said and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"I shouldn't have tried to take that lotus in the first place." I mumbled.

"Ara, even told me not to yet, I didn't listen."

"At the end, she ended up like that." I sniffed as I clutched at his uniform and he patted my back.

"It's okay, Princess. Princess Amara loves you so much that she might fight anything for your sake. She is also very strong so, I trust in her strength. She is like His Majesty. She'll survive through anything."

I was offended by that statement, if Claude were even a little like Ara then she wouldn't be in that state.

"Ara is not like Papa." I mumbled quietly as Felix entered my room and after laying me back on bed he left.

The next day, after bathing and dressing up I went straight to Ara's room only to find Claude in there already sitting on the chair with Ara sitting in front of him. They looked so similar when they were like this.

"Ara!" I ran up to Ara and hugged her gently since she didn't like me squishing her too much. She placed her hand at my back patting gently making me want to cry again.

"Refrain from doing that casually, your sister is still recovering." Claude said and I flinched. How could I forget him?

"I'm fine, Dad." Ara said in her usual tone which eerily matched Claude's if anything she fitted well to be his daughter.

Wait, what am I thinking? Ara is my sister. She is nothing like selfish Claude.

"Now, could you leave us? I was talking to your sister." Claude said keeping his eyes on Ara.

I'm The Princess's Twin?! (Lucas X OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant